New Big Brother

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Venice's Point of View

The past 2 years were just boring. Sakura feeding and taking care of me. I hope Father made a plan already. The tutor, Duke Ambrus, had started teaching me about history. While mother Katherine's best friend had offered to teach me etiquette and mannerism. Father promised to train me once I turned 5, which scares me. Geez, I wish he'd take it easy on me.

Right now, I'm getting prepped up by Sakura. I would be meeting the deceased Concubine Antigone's son, Seaborn Le Pancras. My half-brother. All I know about him was that he was one of the candidates to the throne and that he was executed due to the murder of another candidate a day before the selection. If I can befriend him and stop him from murdering that specific candidate, maybe I can have him as an ally. A trusted one that is.

Once I arrived at the throne room, I saw a white-haired boy. He must have gotten the hair from father, while his black hawthorn eyes from Lady Antigone. I curtsied before placing myself beside him.

"Venice, meet Seaborn Le Pancras. He'll be staying in the Windshire Palace from now on. Since his candidacy has now been disqualified, he is now allowed to stay. Please show him where he can and can't go."

"Yes, Father. Is that all?'

"And please get along." My mother adds smiling... I nod as I take the silent boy's hand and dragging him off.

I flashed the boy a grin once the doors closed," You okay?" I asked

"Man, father was scary," Seaborn stated pouting. 

I let out a giggle, so he's one of those happy-go-lucky boys. Which reminds me, he's older than me for 2 years so I should call him big brother right? Or is it only just applicable to biological ones?

"My name is Seaborn. But you can call me big brother!"

"Okay... Big brother!"

As I showed him around, he was like a cute puppy the whole time. Which compliments his magic, flesh crafting. Powerful magic that can create not only beasts but also humans. It'll be helpful if I'm going to be empress. Imagine all the assassination and undercover missions I can do without being found out?! Ah! 

"I heard you'll be competing in the selection. Would you want me to tutor you?"Seaborn asks munching on a cookie. I smile a nod, "Of course! Any help is welcome. What made you offer me help though?"

He shrugs finishing his cookie," The others are either too greedy or just plain rude. Who would want to help someone who pushed them off the stairs?"

Oh. How cruel.


"Big brother~! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I called out as I wander around the Wildwind Garden...

He's just skipped History class and it's been the third time this week! If he doesn't go to class, he'll be thrown out of the palace. Which means he won't be able to continue tutoring me Laws and stuff. It would be a wasted opportunity.

Inching through the lush greenery, I hear a silent sniffle near the Verity Lake. I sigh as I see my big brother on the edge, hugging his knees tightly. The sound of the birds chirping made the lake much more enchanting. I walked over before sitting down beside him.

"What's wrong?" I asked soothingly to which he replies with another sniffle.

Taking a deep breath, I did what my aunt always do when I'm having a panic attack.


I looked at Big brother, who was now hugging me while sobbing. I giggled," It hasn't even been a month yet you've already cried. Wuss."

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