Chapter Four

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Doesn't rlly fit the chapter but I am big gay so oh well 👌🏳️‍🌈

Alfred POV
A few days had passed since Kiku told me about the world meeting. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my phone. The screen read the date, 'August 24'. Shit the world meeting is today. I move my legs over to the side of the bed and stand up, walking toward the bathroom. How many days has it been since I showered? Three, four? Either way I smell disgusting. I pull back the curtain and turn on the water to the shower, strip and get in. I wince, because the water hits my cuts.
After I get out of the shower, i dry off before putting my pants on, buttoning up my white shirt and slipping on my bomber jacket. I check the pocket to make sure my knife is there. I remove my hand after feeling the familiar bump in my pocket. As I grab my car keys and walk out the door, I see the brightly colored leaves scattering the ground. I look up and see a maple tree. I smile and think of Canada. I'm gonna have to see him at the world meeting today. Shit. You'll have to see Arthur too. You know he sees through your act. Shit. My hand tightens on the pocket knife. I didn't even notice I was holding it. I walk over to my car and open the door, before starting it and driving it toward the meeting place.

Arthur POV
Of course, I was sleeping but, the HORRIBLE beeping of my alarm clock woke me up, as usual. I grumble and get up from my bed, to go get my morning tea and crumpets. EVERY TIME IS TEA TIME ☕️ I take a long sip of my tea and look at my phone.
42 messages from "BLOODY FROG"
3 messages from "Spain"
7 new notifications.
I sigh and look at the date. August 24. The world meeting is today. Maybe Italy can talk to Alfred. I stand up and get dressed before sitting and watching the television until it was time to leave.

***Timeskip once again by doitsuism***

Soon it is time to go and I grab my keys, making note of where I left flying mint bunny. After a short ride, I arrive at the meeting place. Several people are already there but Alfred is nowhere to be seen. I sit and watch as more and more people fill up the room but still no sign of Alfred. Germany looks over to me, making eye contact. *CRASH* I look toward the doorway to see a heavily panting Alfred. "Sorry I'm late dudes!" He says. He then walks over and sits beside me but, doesn't say anything.

Alfred POV
I sit beside Britain ad decide not to say anything. I still feel bad for what happened the last time I saw him. After a while, everyone focuses their attention back toward the conversations they were having before. I see out the corner of my eye, Britain looking at me but I don't say anything. I rest my head on my hand and close my eyes. Somebody taps my shoulder and I turn around. "Hey Italy Dude! What's up?" I say in a sickeningly fake tone. "Well-a Alfred I wanted to talk to-a you in private ve~" he says smiling.  We walk into the hallway and are soon met by Germany and Britain. Why are they here? "Alfred we are-a worried ok?" Italy says. "Wh-Why are you worried? There's nothing I, The Hero, Can't take!" I say flashing a Hollywood smile. "Cut the act Alfred." Britain says looking at me. Shit. Not now. They Know~ they told everyone. The voice in my head says. I start to sweat and my hand instinctively goes toward my pocket. I fiddle with the small knife in my pocket and Britain seems to notice. He nods at Italy and Germany and they go back into the Meeting room. "Alfred." I look at Arthur as he reaches his hand toward my arm. I move pull my arm closer to me and Arthur face changes to worry, then determination. Undertale anyone? "Don't touch me!" I say, slapping his hand away. Britain Grabs my arm and I hiss in pain as he slowly slides my sleeve upward. My breath hitches as His eyes widen and he stares at my forearm. He grabs my other arm and I don't bother to stop him. I look toward the floor guiltily. Tears prick at the corner of my eyes as I feel his hands tremble. "A-Alfred.." that's the first time I've ever heard him stutter. He leans in and hugs me and my legs give out and I lean into his shoulder, crying.

Arthur's POV
"A-Alfred" I say. I knew something was up but I never knew it was this. My throat closes up as I start to cry. I think of all the times I insulted him in various ways. I rush in and hug Alfred tightly and he leans into my shoulder sobbing. "I-I'm Sorry" I hear a faint voice choke out. "Alfred you have nothing to be sorry for, I should be apologizing.." I say. He pulls out of the hug and I reach into his pocket and feel a cold metal. A pocket knife. I look at him and he looks away. I put the pocket knife into my pocket and watch as Alfred pulls his sleeves down. He stops for a second and looks horrified. He turns to me "Arthur don't tell anyone please I'm begging you." I can see the fear in his eyes. I need to tell his brother Matthew but he's too fragile right now. "I won't Alfred, but you're coming to stay at my house." I say and he nods his head. I grab his hand and lead him away from the meeting room and toward my car.

I'm not sure what to think about this one. I like the chapter itself but I need to work on the emotion a bit more. Anyway, Britain is soon gonna see how skinny America is and he's gonna get rlly protective.
CrábCakės 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

Am I..? (Hetalia UsUk) Depressed! America and same old stingy Britain Where stories live. Discover now