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6 months later

August 7th

I sit in the chair, staring blankly at the wall ahead of me. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, "Ready?" Melissa asks.

I slowly open my eyes and shake my head, "I need a couple of-"

"Babes, we're gonna fall behind schedule if you take any longer." Liv smiles weakly.

My breathing begins to pick up and I slowly feel my breakfast making it's way up my throat, "Oh sweetie, you don't look so good." Melissa whispers worriedly.

I felt as the blood drained my face and a hand goes to my stomach, while the other goes to my mouth, "I need the bathroom." I run to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, and puke my guts out.

I feel someone hold my hair back and run their hand up and down my back, "Let it all out, babes." Liv whispers.

After what felt like never-ending hours of puking, I sit back against the bathtub and hold my head in my hands, "I can't do this." I choke out, "Fuck." I begin to sob.

Liv hugs me and kisses the top of my head, "Call Oli!" She shouts over my sobs.

Within five minutes, Oli was kneeling in front of me, "Hey love." He cups my face and wipes my tears with his thumb, "What you on about, eh?"

I whimper and close my eyes, "I can't, I can't do this."

Oli chuckles, "Give us a minute yea?" I shortly hear Liv close the door and Oli sits beside me, taking my hand into his, "Si, yes you can. You're just nervous."

I stand up quickly and begin pacing in the bathroom, "No, it's not just nerves Oliver. I can't fucking marry a Don! We're definitely a fucking mafia, even though nobody wants to call us that! We fucking are, how am I going to raise my children into that, like no! I can't do this, I can't marry him today. What was I thinking?!"

Oli stands up and stops me from pacing, "Sienna, you need to take a deep breath." I then realize my heavy breathing, "And okay fine, yes we're a mafia." He lightly shrugs, "And if not today then when? He'll still be the Don then." He mocks me.

I smack his chest, "This isn't funny Oliver, I'm serious!" I groan, "No, I need to get out of he-"

"No, no, no!" Oli quickly says, "You are not going to run, you are going to marry him today!" He sternly says, "All you need is some chocolate chips biscuits and to see your babies. Because you love this man with every fucking atom in your body, he's the father of your children, the love of your life, and you my friend, are the one that proposed." Oli snorts, "So, no getting cold feet now."

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, "You're right." I mutter, "Okay, yea."

"Okay, freshen up and I'll be back with those biscuits and the twins." He kisses my cheek softly, "I love you Si."

"Cookies and I love you too Oli." After washing my face and mouth, I go to sit back on the vanity chair, "Okay, ready." I smile at Melissa. Twenty minutes later, Oli comes in with the twins and a bag of cookies, "Hi babies." I wave at my babies.

Rosalia waves back, "Mommy, you look pretty." Romeo grins.

"Aw, grazie Romie. How's daddy's little princesa?"

Rosalia giggles and hands me the bag of cookies, "Good, I miss daddy." She slightly frowns.

I chuckle, "You were just with him up at the house. Did you have fun on the ride here in the golf cart?" The twins always have a blast riding around our backyard on the golf cart, all thanks to Nate.

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