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Bakugo POV

Last night I had the hugest gay panic. He. HIM! He said he loved me my heart went like BA-DUMP and my di-. My DIAPHRAGM expanded like fwoom, then unexpanded like woosh. I've never been more happy.

Sure he was like 100% out of it but it gives me hope. Even if it's Just love you in a friend's way to be saying that is saying that we're really close and that's all I really need. Oh god it's just wow.

Waking up to him this morning the sun kissing his tanned skin. His green hair shimmering in the light. It's probably really creepy to onlookers I'm just staring at him. All these weird morning scenes are probably creepy but I can't help looking at him.

"NERD WAKE THE HELL UP." I grab one of the pillows and wack him in the face.

"Waa, Kacchan!" He pouts whilst rubbing his eyes. Gah he's just adorable. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Oh no you don't you said a pretty interesting thing last night." Well that wasn't the best way I could bring it up it could of been more... Yeah, I suck at being romantic.

"Sleepy." He smuggled back down into the blankets.

"You do know that you are not in your bed right?"

"Wait, what! Woah!" He tries jumping up out of the bed out of pure instinct but he's totally encased in blankets so he just face plants.

"Ow." He's rubbing his little nose while making his way over to his bed. He plops onto his sheets and lets out the most over exaggerated sigh ever. The silence felt like it lasted awhile even though it was only like 3minutes.

His tired breathy voice interrupts the ever awkward silence "Kacchan?"


"Why was I in your bed?"

Time to play with him a bit."Well let me tell you. I got you drunk damn you couldn't handle your alcohol all night you were rubbing up against me, complimenting me, begging me to take you upstairs. You also confessed your undying love for me."

"WHAT? OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! HOLY SHEEP! I DIDN'T MEAN IT." His face instantly heats up into a raspberry before he covers his face up with his hands. He's so flustered.

"Jeez Deku I'm just kidding." I smirk at him as he looks over. He gives me one of his full pouts and giant eyes.

"Then what happened?" He mumbles still refusing to meet my eyes.

"You fell asleep. I took you upstairs you wouldn't let go. Then you got some nightpanic but I got you back to sleep." I roll my eyes as he releases a giant breath.

"Atleast I didn't do anything embarassing." As he finally meets my eyes and gives me a sheepish smile.

"Mh you want to know what happened though. You said you loved me."

His eyes once again go sharp, cat like you could say. "You're lying."

I just look at him and shake my head. He stares at me wide eyed. He gives me one of his signature smiles, probably lost for words. I had to turn away to hide my own growing blush. My damn face wouldn't cool down just the heat of knowing he loves me.

"I'm-m sorry I kn-now I'mm not-t w-worth it. You p-probably hat-te me."

The sound of a whimper and a choked sob is what finished it. My pride aside I look over to see that the nerd is no longer there, the slam of a door alerting me to his departed presence.

My mind blanks for around 2minutes.


I quickly jump up to start chasing him. He probably thought when I looked away that was my form of rejecting him. 'Stupid nerd always jumping to fucking conclusions.' I had this planned out. I would tell him first that he said that, then I would say I like him back too, we would kiss then I would fu-.. Ahem but yeah that was the plan.

When I get into the hallway there's no one in site. Nothing telling me someone is here or was here atleast. The door across from ours is Shojis and Tokoyamis room they are either awake or didn't realise what just happened.

Thinking of it there is only two ways Deku could go either up or down. He could jump out a window but he's not that stupid... hopefully. Looking at the symbol on the elevator it showed that it just went down. So he either took the stairs to go to the roof or he went down. I go take the elevator downstairs. Thinking logically now he would've went up as the voices is an indication that people are here and he would've probably wanted to isolate himself.

' I'm here anyways.' I walk into the dinning room to see that some people have started cooking breakfast. Sparky was tied down onto a chair probably so he doesn't start a fire in the kitchen.

"Hey Bakugo you want some Belgian waffles?" Emo girl asked.

"Yeah me and Deku will have one." I'm chill with emo girl, so no vulgar language from me. " Has anyone seen fucking Deku." These shit heads on the other hand.

"No he hasn't been down yet? Is he not in your room. Is he okay?" Round face asks.

Urghhh I fucking hate her. I don't know why, their's just something about her that pisses me the hell off. She so fucking pushy, always asking about fucking Deku always asking to hang out with me. She can just go fuck the fuck off.

"Everything's fucking fine." I growl into her face. She gasps someone startle and I can hear the comments from my classmates about me not being a morning person. It's not that I'm not a morning person, it's that I'm not a people person!

I go the stairs as the elevator doesn't go to the roof, as why would it. 'Shitty fucking Deku making me walk upstairs.' fuck I'm scared I start picking up the pace. Realisation finnaly dawns on me. Deku is depressed, he cuts himself, god their's a depressed person on a non fenced roof! By now I've totally ditched the stairs and I'm blasting my way up with my quirk. 'Cm'on, Cm'on'

I finally manage to reach the top, slamming the door open infront of me. "DON'T DO IT!"


I'm to late....

Their's nobody there....

Y-you can't be serious....

Maybe he didn't come to the roof maybe he went back to the room....


He's just back in the room.

I-I don't want to become a hero without him. I don't think I can do this without him. Everything I've done since I was a child was to prove my strength to him. To show that I'm the strongest I'll be able to protect him. He's not here anymore.

'Who am I suppose to protect now? The shitty citizens?'

I don't want to live without him. I'm not going to live without him. I walk over to the she of the building. Preparing myself for the fall to come. With a deep breath I let myself go.

Word count: 1201

Olivezy here, sorry for totally disapearing but I haven't felt motivated to do nothing lately. Might be because I'm lazy... definitely because I'm lazy. I also understand how irrational Bakugo is being but just think. He's not honking straight never was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but he thinks Deku just jumped he feels super guilty and shit it's a fanfic it makes sense!

Point out grammar mistakes cause they piss me off too!

Sorry it's so short just felt this was a good place to leave this.

Next chapter will hopefully be up quickly.

This is not the last chapter I repeat this is not the last chapter


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