Reconnecting Pt. 1

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"Twins?" I asked the doctor. "Like are you sure?"

She laughed as she moved to wipe the jelly off of my stomach. "Yes I'm sure I've been doing this longer than you've been alive child." She said. "I'll give you two time, your sonogram pictures will be at the check-out desk." She informed us. "Congratulations again. You two make a great couple."
"You've been quiet ever since we left the doctors office, K." Adam broke the silence between us. "I'm scared." I admitted. How was I gonna give birth to twins. Especially after hearing what happened to his ex. I'm so small. My body clearly won't be able to last the full pregnancy.

"What are you scared about?" He asked. "We're gonna do this together. Everything that happens I'll be right next to you."

"But Adam what if something happens. The doctor said it's high risk." I sighed looking out the window.

We had just pulled up to O'Neill's and I watched as an older man was sat outside on the bench looking around. He looked familiar, but it's probably because I've seen him out on patrol.

"That means that we just have to take it easy. You'll be ok." He grabbed my hand and placed a reassuring kiss on it. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"Last person inside pays for the pie." He said rushing out of the car.

"Hey! That's not fair." I called out. "I've got extra baggage." I laughed walking behind him.

"Oh please your barely showing." He said joining in my laughter.

I was about to step into the door when Adam stopped at the man on the bench.

"Hey Leon! How are you?" He asked the guy on the bench. The man's face brightened. "Babe I forgot to tell we were meeting a friend for lunch." I nodded with a smile before entering the building before the two.

We made our way inside and sat at a booth. Sean, the owner, was a friend of Adam's family. His dad's best friend. When he saw us he made his way toward us.

"Hey! Hey! My favorite lovers are in the house." He cheered. I laughed as I watched him and Adam do their little bro hug thing. He then gave me a hug before extending the man a hand and asking us what we wanted.

"We want the usual; cheesesteak pizza with black and white milkshakes." Just hearing it made me want to drool. "And for our friend here whatever he wants." He said ushering to him.

"I'll have a cheeseburger meal with the works and a root beer." He said quietly.

Sean returned to the back and I started up a little conversation with Adam's friend.

"What's your name and where are you from?" I asked him. "My name's Leon. I'm from Edgewater."

"I'm Mikayla. This hunk's girlfriend." I said introducing myself. "I'm from Edgewater too. Me and my mom used to live in the old project apartments on Weir St." I said.

"Oh wow. I haven't heard of that place in years." He reminisced. "And he's told me so much about you."

"What's been going on man?" Adam asked.

"Nothing much. Just dealing with some things." Leon said. "What kind of things?" Adam urged. I looked at him out the corner of my eye and hissed his name. "Adam" I said and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"No it's OK." He laughed at our exchange. "I did some things I'm not proud of. I had a woman and a daughter, but I lost that to the streets." He sighed. "I spent a couple years in jail thinking I could beat the case but it wasn't looking too good so I took a plea, but it was too late. I'd lost them."

Adam looked over at me before excusing himself to the restroom.

"What do you mean you lost them? Do you need help finding them?" I asked. This man wanted to look for his daughter. As someone who knows what it's like to not really know their biological father I felt the need to help him.

Sean has come back with out drinks and I had took the time to take a sip of my milkshake while waiting for his answer.

"I think I already have My Kayla." He said. I whipped my head up to look at him.

"The only person to ever call me that was my dad because-"

"Because I would always tease you by saying your name wrong and saying you were always gonna be my little girl." He finished.

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