author's note + aesthetic

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This is a really short story that I got an A on for an AP class in my senior year of high school. I personally think it's pretty shit because I had a whole ass 9 weeks to write it but I bust this thing out the weekend before it was due. I'm only putting this story on here because I feel like my account is a lil bit dry and I don't like that my only work on here is just pictures of pretty people. Also I'm bored because of corona and I've been making a lot of decisions I know I will regret purely out of that boredom.

Side note: the assignment required purposeful choices in diction, setting, structure, narration, and shit like that. I barely remember the meanings behind half the shit in this story, but I have a key somewhere deep in the crevices of my room so comment if you think you've found any motifs or tone shifts or other AP Lit shit ahaha. Cool, bye.

♡ s t o r y  a e s t h e t i c ♡

 ♡ s t o r y  a e s t h e t i c ♡

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