Chapter 1

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Third person's POV.

Izuku Midoriya woke up in cold sweat. He was hyperventilating. He had just woken up from a nightmare of his childhood best friend, his long-time crush, classmate and main tormenter pushing him off a building. He could still hear words such as useless, quirkless, a Deku, and a waste of space still ringing in his ears. Each word became louder and louder until it felt like someone was screaming right next to him.

Izuku put his hand over his ears, but it didn't help. He pulled on his hair until he felt something wet drip on his hands. Releasing the strand of dark green, he looked down and saw a bundle of hair in each of his hands. With tears running down his cheeks and blood running down his scalp, he got up and headed towards a drawer where he kept his first aid kit.

"Izuku, dear! Breakfast is ready! Wake up!" He heard his mother shout from the other room. Izuku was glad he had at least one person that cared about him in this cruel world, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was a burden to her. He felt like a useless child if he was being honest.

Izuku felt something off about today from the moment he woke up. It wasn't unusual to wake up in cold sweat for him, but having a panic attack from a nightmare? That was pretty unusual and a very bad sign. He just prayed he would live to see another day.

"Good morning, Izuku!" his mom greeted him when came out of his room and into the small hallway to the dining area and the kitchen.

"Good morning, ma. How did you sleep?" Izuku asked with a warm smile on his lips. He loved his mother more than he could put into words. She used to not be able to look at him in guilt, but they had worked on their relationship and set down a few rules for it as well.

"Surprisingly good! Though, I really have no idea why. I wasn't even that tired yesterday, but I feel like I was born anew!"

Izuku's mother was a very kind and gentle person with a whole lot of energy to boost. Her bubbly attitude made even him just a bit happier. Even with all of the weight on her shoulders, she managed to take care of him, the house and herself. Sadly, she had to sacrifice her love life and gain a bit of weight in order to do that, but Izuku couldn't care less. She was still the prettiest woman in the world in her eyes.

"What about you? Did you sleep well?" Inko asked her son as she put a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. He had gotten addicted to the wonderous drink when he started having nightmares more often than he could cope with without any help.

"Not really. I had a nightmare again. I woke up in a panic again. I do feel at least somewhat rested though." Izuku replied. He and his mother had a strict no lie policy after she had told him that she knew about the bullying but just wanted to wait for him to come to her instead of forcing the truth out of him.

"I could tell from the circles under your eyes, but I guess they are now there permanently either way, huh?" Inko sighed as she ruffled his hair before stopping and raising her hand back up.

"It was that bad? Dammit, Izuku, we talked about this. If you aren't getting any better, tell me. Let's go see a doctor and assign some medication or something!" Inko hugged him before leaving to get bandages.

"I'm sorry, ma. It's just...I feel like I'm just being a burden. And somewhere in my rational mind, I already know that it isn't true, but the rational mind and emotions do not mix well together..."

Inko bandaged him up and kissed his cheek.

"You will never be a burden, Zuzu. You are my baby and I will always do anything in my power to help you out with whatever you need. I love you and I won't stop until my dying breath."

If Izuku cried during the conversation, he would never admit it to anyone.


Izuku walked along the sidewalk taking in the precious moments of serenity before he went into his own personal hell. He sighed in fulfilment before tensing when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He slowly turned around to look at the person who had noticed him. He had expected to see Bakugou or one of his goons, but instead, he saw the underground hero Eraserhead.

Izuku was shocked. Shocked enough to not notice he was mumbling until the underground hero cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.

"S-sorry. It's a habit." Izuku squeaked and bowed. He turned red from embarrassment. 

Aizawa scrutinized the teen in front of him. He looked small, weak and unimportant and he would bet that that was exactly what the teen in front of him was trying to make himself out to be.

"It's alright, although I have to ask that you get it under control. You never know if a villain is passing by and listening to you give out information." Eraserhead reprimanded him. He could admit that he was a bit shocked that a random kid would know anything about him, but maybe the kid just did his homework and found some random fan website or something.

Izuku could just thank the gods that he hadn't blurted out something that no one should know. Like how he knew the exact year Eraserhead was born in or the fact that he knew he was Aizawa Shouta and was married to Yamada Hizashi, otherwise known as the pro hero Present Mic.

"I'll try, sir." was all Izuku said before he caught a glimpse of the time in his watch and excused himself before running off as to not be more late than he already was.

Aizawa stood there for a second before raising his hand and scratching the back of his neck.

'What a weird kid.'


Izuku barely made it in time. He quickly put his shoes in his getabako and put on his uwugutsu (getabako are small lockers (without doors) that students put their own shoes in and uwugutsu are a type of gym shoes). He ran upstairs for his first lesson. This was his last year in school. The school itself wasn't the most terrible thing, it was the people in it that he hated.

The staff didn't care much for bullying (some sources told me that bullying in Japan was less common than in Britain and some said that it was very common for authority figures to participate in the bullying, so I don't really know) as long as it didn't affect their salary, but Izuku didn't hold any ill will towards anyone but himself. If he was born with a quirk, maybe he wouldn't be useless and people would like him more.

Izuku had a motto he used to motivate himself. "As long as I woke up today, I am lucky." This one sentence had done wonders for Izuku and he knew it was completely true, but that didn't change the fact that he was tired of the routine he was stuck in. Waking up just to get bullied and told to die was not something he looked forward to. He wished to fall asleep and just float in a peaceful dark abyss for the rest of his existence and never have to face his nightmares again.


The first lesson was pretty uneventful. They had been studying for the upcoming final exams when someone decided that it would be funny to throw a compass (math tool) at him and see if it would stab him. It didn't, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurt.

Of course, the teacher just rolled her eyes and continued on with the lesson, completely ignoring the physical abuse displayed in front of her.


So yeah, I have decided to rewrite this piece of garbage now that I finally have time. I actually had to graduate art school this year so yeah- that's why I had no time to update at all-

But yeah. I didn't like how cringy I wrote the "cool OP" and "angsty teenager" parts of this story and I'm here to change that :)

I might also start merging chapters together to make them longer, but I was too tired to continue today, so yeaaaaaah- bye-

If all was different |DISCONTINUED|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora