Rant #2

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So, have you ever been in that awkward situation with your grandmother? When she brings up the topic of marriage? Yep. I've been there. Even though I'm NOT EVEN IN MY MID TEENS YET!

If you have an asian family, or heritage, you know that marriage is a important thing. Which is actually quite good. Not when you're sat in front of you white friends, and your nan tries to talk to you. With her not so good english and yet your friends know she is talking about you getting married. Urgh. Who said I'm getting married? What if I wanted to be alone for the rest of my life? HUH? 

What really annoys me is that they won't stop teasing you. 

Here is just a quick scenario that happened about a week ago *plays about a week ago*. Sorry, it had to be done!

 *At a guests house, playing with younger cousins. Two of my grandmothers walk in, engrossed in a conversation* 

Grandmother #1 (why do I sound like a spy?) - "Dear, come here..." *I awkwardly nod and walk over. She makes me sit beside her*

Grandmother #1 again - "So how is school?" 

Me - "Great  Alhamdullilah. Just some struggles now and then with exams..."

Grandmother #2 - "She is really good. Getting A's to A*'s aren't you?" *takes sips of her tea* 

(Grandmother #2 is my nan who I live with. So yes, I go with the agony of watching black and white bollywood films everyday and getting the whole marriage topic under go. I TRY TO AVOID IT SO MUCH!)

Grandmother #1 - "Really dear? Make sure your husband is as good as you are!" *I blush and very awkwardly smile at how uncomfortable I am. Husband?*

Grandmother #2 - *chuckles* "I'll make sure I find a very handsome man. Who will blow her off her feet..." she teases. *Now is the time when I want to disappear. I try to get up*

Grandmother #1 - "Where are you going? I've got a lot of things to discuss with you young lady" *I sigh in defeat and slowly sit back down. Bracing what is to come in this very uncomfortable conversation*

Grandmother #2 - "Who would your ideal man be?" *I stay silent*

Grandmother #1 -  "Why are you talking about? Her ideal man would be like the boys from those boy bands. Like, what is his name? Zayn Malik!"


Grandmother #2 - "No! Her ideal man would be very handsome indeed. Just like your grandfather" 

*About to cry of how cringy this is getting*

Grandmother #1 - "Seen any man who'd you consider?" *wiggles eyebrows*

*Mum calls. Allahu Akbar!* 

*I IMMEDIATELY run away*



P.S if my future husband is reading this, you better make an oath to buy me ice cream every week or the nikah would be off. 

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