Meeting the Brother

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Lori's POV

Jake was standing by my side, his arm wrapped around my shoulders in a friendly hug. I cuddled him a little, and Sebastian seemed scared for some reason.

-"Hey, Sebs, are you ok?" I asked.

-"Yes, of course." The sentence was directed towards me, but he was looking at Jake like a deer in the headlights. I let out a soft sigh, until even more trouble came our way.

-"Lo-chan!! I'm back from Taker's shop, you'll never believe what happened." a female voice that I knew pretty well resounded through the house. I looked over at my brother, he hates shinigami. Oh dear father, how am I supposed to explain this?

Carly quickly entered the room. Shit, shit, shit.....

Jake sniffed the air; my body trembled in fear as I saw the expression on his face change drastically. -"Who is THAT?" my brother spat out, glaring at my best friend. I was tong-tied, unsure of what to do, until Carly spoke up. -"Neh! Lo-chan, why is he being so mean?!" she hugged me while fake crying. Jake glared at her even more. -"Sis, why is that shinigami hugging you? And why did she call you Lo-chan?" his voice was dead scary. Carly shivered and let me go.

-"She's my best friend...?" It came off more like a question because of the nerves. He only looked at her, then at me and back at her again. This went on for a long time, until Sebastian spoke up. -"Would you like some tea?" Jake looked at him dumbfounded. And no one could predict what was going to happen. -"No. I DESPISE human food."

Shit. He's angry.

The room was left in such a tension that the air could be cut with a knife. But then Sarah entered the room.

-"Jakey!!!" She shouted while hugging our brother.

-"Sis. Long-time no-see." he slightly ruffled her hair.

-"Stop!! It took me a long while to do that!!" Was her complaint.

-"Sa-sa. Did you know about our dearest sister's friend?" His fae was set in the scariest 'nice person' impression that I've ever seen.

-"Yes, but Jakey, Carly is one of thos.nice shinigami that could almost pass as stupid." Sarah defended, and Carly shouted a small 'hey' out of disaproval.

With a soft sigh, Jake decided to let fo of it. Thank dear Luifer, he did. I gave my big bro' a tour around the house. Before asking:" Jake, why did you come over anyways?"

We stopped in our tracks as Jake smiled. -"Oh yeah. Dad's coming to see you two for a while."

Well.... shiet.


Hiyo so you know I'm not Marcy. Im her best friend Panda. Marcy asked me to write this chapter for I hope you liked it ....even if its not Marcy's style. Please comment & vote... um..... I thinks thats about it...... Im pretty sure...... yeah..... bye~

Att. Panda

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