Spider ewwww

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There infront of me stud the one and only....Claude Faustus

"Ewewwwwewewwwwe" i though Sebastian must have read my mind because when he looked over he immediately scowled at him which got a smirked in return. Then he started coming over and sebastian dragged me to dance not that I'm complaining and Claude stopped, glared at Sebastian and left.

"Now we are even M'lady" said sebastian " thank you, I frigging hate that weirdo" i said frowning "well at least you got to dance with me" he said like if it were an honor ahahhaa yeah right. " sureee watevah!"

I was just dancing and laughing with sebastian until we heard a voice ask " may I steal her for one dance?" it was Claude....

" Um...sure" I said, instantly regretting it. We started dancing and he kept saying stuff like "you look so beautiful" and it send chills down my spine (not the good ones) i kept saying"thanks" or "mhhm"

I kept wishing for the song to end pleeease!!!

_____15 minuets later__________

Finally" I thought and went over Sebastian and Ciel who looked at me with relief " ewewewewwewe Claude germs blehhh" "why is he even here?" asked Ciel " He is here with his master Alois Trancy"said Sebastian and Glared their direction.

"He is here? whyyyyyyyyy?!" said Ciel almost tearing (like rip apart, forgot how to write it XD) his hair.

" I dont really know, young master"

"I thought he hated you Ciel" I said

"He has to be up to something"

___________after the party______

I was just cleaning and got bored so I started singing Sally's song.

Its a song I sang when I was 15, when I fell in love with an angel an always thought he didn't love he back... stupid right? I was young, stupid, rebellious.... He ended up a fallen Angel because he declared his love to me as well.....His name was Marcus, the bravest angel ever, my hero, protector of my heart...we were the perfect pair in our eyes, we went to all places together, my best friend , my hero, my savior my love....dad noticed he was the angel which betrayed him when my dad tried to over thrown God and killed him... Which was the first thing to break me... I loved him so much it almost got me thrown out of hell....

" I sense there's something in the wind,

That feels like tragedies at hand,

And though i'd like to stand by him,

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?

And will he see, how much he means to me?

I think its not to be

What will become of my dear friend?

What will his actions lead us then?

Although I'd like to join the crowd, in their enthusiastic cloud,

Try as it may it doesn't last...

And will we ever, end up together?

(Instrumental/hummed it)

And will we ever, end up together?

No, I think not...

Its never to become.....

For I am not the one"

I heard clapping and when I turned around their stud Claude i growled..

"Remembering that sorry excuse of an angel? Cmon I thought you were better than that kitty" he said smirking

" Shut.up.NOW!" the air in the room was so tense if you entered your head might have exploded already...

" Tsk tsk, Behave like a lady now"

" Go to... no, hell is to good of a place for you. How about you dig yourself a hole and stay there forever?"

He laughed " I will leave you alone..... for now. But remember I will have you and you would be my bride FOREVER" he left in a flash

So I did the only logical thing I could do right now.....

Cry and wish that No more stuff happen to me...


Had inspiration today!!!!

Hoped you enjoyed it!


Disclaimer: i do NOT own Sally's song or Amy lee's version.

I also do NOT own black butler or Marcus that is my BFFs oc


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