Cleo's Decision

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Soon after, everyone was heading back towards the resort in order to put the plan into motion. Well, everyone except Shaggy, Scooby, and Cleo. Shaggy had taken the opportunity to pull his best friend back and have a small talk with her. "Hey, Cleo, like sorry for pulling you back and all but like Scoob and I were just wondering...." began Shaggy trailing off slightly. "What I plan to do about the situation with Demon?" asked Cleo quirking an eyebrow. "Like yeah...I mean I know the choice is completely up to you but..." "Shaggy, I already know my answer." said Cleo. "Huh, like you do?" asked Shaggy in surprise. "Does this answer your question?" asked Cleo moving her hair and her shirt off of her shoulder just enough to reveal...."Zoinks! That looks like Mr Demon's icon! When'd you get that!?" asked Shaggy as he and Scooby eyes Cleo's shoulder that connects to the base of her neck. "Remember four years ago when I continued to scratch while we were flying to the Destroyer's tomb?" asked Cleo quirking an eyebrow. "Zoinks! You mean to tell me you've had that thing since KISSteria!?" asked Shaggy. Cleo nodded. "Like hold if you have one, like how come Mr Demon doesn't? At least I'm assuming he wouldn't seeing as though he pulled you aside to tell you about the whole soulmate thing." said Shaggy rubbing his chin. "hmmmm." said Scooby placing a paw under his chin deep in thought. "Perhaps its because I haven't exactly given my answer yet." said Cleo with a shrug. "So like, your answer's yes then?' asked Shaggy hopefully. "Shaggy, I've had this thing between my shoulder and neck for four years. what do you think my answer is?" asked Cleo placing er hands on her hips. "Roh boy!!!" said Scooby licking Cleo's cheek. "I suppose I should go in and talk to him then." said Cleo with a sigh. "Now hold on, Cleo, like if your really going to go through with this, then like you just can't do it anyway. This is a member of KISS we're talking about here." said Shaggy. "And your going to help me how?" asked Cleo. "Like not just us, but like the whole gang!" said Shaggy. "Is it bad I'm fearing for the end result of this?" asked Cleo crossing her arms. "Very funny! Now like come on!" said Shaggy grabbing Cleo's hand and pulling her back inside the resort with Scooby following closely behind.

The first people Shaggy, Scooby, and Cleo ran into were Daphne and Velma were were creating invitations for everyone that would be attending. "Daphne, Velma! Drop what your doing! We've got a situation more important than the mystery right now!" cried Shaggy skidding to a halt. "Everything alright, you guys?" asked Daphne. "Let me guess, the kitchen ran out of ingredients for one of you silly concoctions, right?" asked Velma blandly. "First of all, they are works of art NOT concoctions, Velma, and second I'm talking about Cleo and Mr. Demon!" said Shaggy. "Jeepers, is everything alright between you guys, Cleo?" asked Daphne sounding concerned for her friend. "We're fine, Daphne. It's just..." began Cleo but Shaggy cut her off." "Fine! Fine!? Like Cleo, its not fine! You've been hiding that little mark on you neck for four years!" cried Shaggy to which Cleo smacked the back of his head for interrupting her. "What mark?" asked Velma closing her laptop. Cleo sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose briefly before moving her shirt and hair out of the way. "Is that....The Demon's icon?" asked Daphne in surprise. "Yes well, if you to would KINDLY take a seat. I believe I owe everyone an explanation." said Cleo as she sat down in one of the chairs that was closest to her. 

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was so short! An ad asking to resolve a conflict would NOT stop popping up after every few words I typed! I'm hoping it will be fixed by the time I publish the next chapter either later on today or tomorrow. Thanks again for reading anyway guys!

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