Telling Her the Truth and Searching for Clues

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"So, you've kids have done this before?" asked Bobby who was taking a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven. "Yup." replied Fred. "Uh huh." said Daphne. "More than you think." replied Velma. After the Red Ghost had attacked, everyone had decided to change out of their chief uniforms and back into their regular clothes before regrouping to the main cooking area. "I suppose this means we'll be splitting up and searching for clues?" asked Cleo grabbing on of the cookies before her friends could eat them all. "Right, before we split up, aren't those Chief Edward DuFlay's parchment papers?" asked Spaceman as Bobby picked up another cookie sheet. Bobby had immediately looked down at the still hot paper as writing had begun to appear on it. "Uh, why is there handwriting on it all of a sudden?" asked Demon. "Jinkies, it's a hidden message!" exclaimed Velma. "Not just any hidden message, looks like some kind of code letter." said Catman picking up the parchment paper and examining it closely. "From the looks of it, its a message to British soldiers." said Cleo who took the parchment paper from Catman. "So Fred's ancestor was a spy?" asked Spaceman. "We can figure that out later, but for now, we have a mystery to solve." said Cleo crossing her arms. "Cleo's right, it's time to split up and look for clues. Shaggy, Scooby, Uncle Bobby, Catman, Demon, and Cleo will search the upper floors while the rest of us search the grounds." said Fred getting to his feet. "And uh, you can pick whoever you want to team up with Miss Laurentiss." "Seriously Fred?" asked Catman watching Fred swoon over her. "I'll go with the boys, someone's gotta keep them out of trouble." said Giada walking over to Shaggy and Bobby. "Like thanks but that's kinda what Cleo's for." said Shaggy pointing to his best friend. "What can I say, I know how to do my job right." said Cleo with a smirk. 

Before the groups had parted ways, Starchild had shot Demon a knowing glace. Demon sighed. "She's gonna have to know sooner or later, Demon, now's your chance." whispered Catman. "How, those two stick to her like glue!" hissed Demon as they headed upstairs. "Don't worry, I'll keep those two outta trouble, you just tell Cleo the truth. And I mean the WHOLE truth, Demon." said Catman walking ahead to keep up with Shaggy and Scooby. Just as the others had rounded the corner, Demon quickly grabbed Cleo's arm and pulled her off to the side.  "Demon, what are you doing?" asked Cleo suspiciously. "Cleo, listen, we need to talk, it's really important." said Demon. Cleo quirked and eyebrow but crossed her arms and leaned against the wall as a sign of showing her boyfriend that she was listening. "Remember four years ago when the others and I took you and your friends to KISSteria in order to consult the elder?" asked Demon. "How could I forget? My friends were sucked into a black hole." said Cleo. "Right...well after you and your friends had left with Starchild, Spaceman, and Catman, the elder pulled me aside..." Demon paused not sure how to continue this conversation. "Go on..." said Cleo. "Eh well, the thing is, with KISSterians, we ah, have a soulmate in which are powers are connected to from the time we're born and all..." said Demon backing up not wanting his head bashed in or turned to stone for that matter. "And?" asked Cleo unsure of where this was going. "Well ah, the elder is pretty confident that your my soulmate which is how we were able to get along so easily." said Demon. Cleo stared at him in absolute silence until Shaggy and Scooby and run past them screaming and grabbed a hold of Cleo's arm in the process. "Shaggy, Scooby!? What is going on!?" asked Cleo. "Ask him!" said Catman pointing behind the group as the Red Ghost was chasing after them. "I had to ask..." mumbled Cleo as everyone hid inside of some large ceramic pots that were coincidentally in the middle of the hallway. "Did we loose him?" asked Bobby after a minute or two. "I think so." said Cleo. "Scooby, go out there and check." said Shaggy. "Uh huh! Not me!" said Scooby. "Well I'm not going out there!" said Shaggy. "Oh for heavens sake, I'll look!" said Cleo slowly poking her head out and looked up and down the hallway. "All clear, gang." One by one, everyone began to crawl out of their hiding spots. "Whelp, at least that's over." said Catman just as one of Scooby's ears perked up. "Like who do you hear, Scooby Doo?" asked Shaggy. "SHH!" said Scooby. "Like, sorry, is this better?" whispered Shaggy. "SHHH!" repeated Scooby. "Sorry, pal, still too loud!?" asked Shaggy lowering his voice even more. "Uh, Shaggy, I don't think Scooby means that kind of shushing!" said Cleo pointing behind the group to show that the Red Ghost had reappeared. "Zoinks, gang way!" yelled Shaggy grabbing Cleo and taking off down the hall with the others following. Once the group had approached the main lobby, they had quickly shut and locked the door behind them. "What's up with you guys?" asked Fred who was wearing a pair of overalls and holding his phone out. "Two words; Red Ghost." panted Cleo. The door then began to shake and Shaggy, Scooby, Booby, and Giada all dived behind a piece of furniture for cover while Cleo, Demon and Catman got into a fighting stance. Fred on the other hand, when over to the door and gave everyone a questioning look as Shaggy, Scooby, Bobby, and Giada were signaling for Fred NOT to open the door. However, Fred opened the door to reveal a tried looking Skip Taylor on the other side. "Skip!" cried Cleo. "Oh brother, not HIM again!" grumbled Demon. "Hey guys, what's up?" asked Skip who was completely clueless as to what was going on. "Oh nothing, just hiding from the-OW!" yelled Catman as Cleo kicked him in the shin. 

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