Chase Through the Maze

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"Like come on, Cleo, can't we go down to the kitchen and get ONE little snack! We're so hungry!" begged Shaggy. Cleo turned to face her two friends with a quirked eyebrow before placing her hands on her hips and began tapping her foot. "I don't think she believes you two when you say 'little' snack." said Catman. "In other words, you two are going to clean out the entire kitchen." said Demon blandly. "No we won't honest. Just like one sandwich. That's all we ask. Pleeeeeeeaaaase?" begged Shaggy as he and Scooby got down on their knees in front of Cleo. "Oh good grief, you might as well let those two raid the kitchen, Cleo, we're not going to hear the end of it otherwise." said Catman as Shaggy and Scooby looked up at Cleo hopefully.  Cleo practically pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "I swear if I so much as regret you two going into the kitchen in the SLIGHTEST..." However her sentence was cut short by Shaggy and Scooby racing downstairs as though their lives depended on it. "That didn't take long..." said Demon looking down the stairs watching where Shaggy and Scooby disappeared into. "No kidding." said Catman crossing his arms. "And guess whose going down there to make sure they don't wreck the kitchen." said Cleo looking at the two rock stars with a smirk. "Oh no, I'm not going down there!" said Demon firmly. "Oh yes you are!" said Cleo grabbing her boyfriend by the hair. Catman snickered quietly but quickly moved away from Cleo before he got it too. Not even a minute later, all three of them could hear Shaggy and Scooby screaming for help before they burst out of the kitchen. "Cleo! Mr. Demon! Catman! HEEEELLLLP!" yelled Shaggy as they ran past the three of them. "What's gotten into those two?" asked Demon as Shaggy and Scooby rounded the corner. "I'll give you a hint." said Catman as the Red Ghost flew out of the kitchen. "Time to go, boys!" said Cleo grabbing both Demon and Catman by the arm and started pulling them. "Don't need to tell me twice!" said Catman running after Shaggy and Scooby followed by Cleo and Demon. "What's the hurry you guys?" asked Spaceman as he and Starchild rounded the corner. "Take a wild guess!" called Cleo over her shoulder. Both Spaceman and Starchild turned to look behind them just as the Red Ghost flew right towards them. "Wait for us, guys!" yelled Starchild as he and Spaceman made a dash after their friends. The seven of them managed to run a full circle around the entire interior of the building with the ghost still chasing them until they ran towards the front door where Fred, Daphne, Velma, Bobby, and Giada were standing with a man. "Like, gang way!" yelled Shaggy as the group ran past the rest of their friends. "What's with them?" asked Fred. "How about....him?" asked Daphne noticing the Red Ghost flying after them. Meanwhile, up ahead, Cleo and KISS made a run for the hedge maze while Shaggy and Scooby hung back. "Like who even has a hedge maze anymore anyway!?" "Shaggy, Scooby, move it!!!" yelled Cleo noticing her friends weren't behind them but knew that they could VERY much hear her. "Split up! He can't chase all of us if we split up!" yelled Spaceman. "Let's go, you two!" yelled Cleo pulling Shaggy and Scooby in a random direction while the others did the same. "So much for splitting up!" yelled Shaggy noticing the Red Ghost decided to go after the three of them. "Shaggy, you and Scooby go on ahead, I'll handle the ghost!" yelled Cleo. "Like, your the boss, Cleo, come on, Scoob!" yelled Shaggy as he and Scooby ran up ahead. Cleo watched her friends turn the corner before turning her attention back to the Ghost. "SHHHH!" hissed the ghost. "As Velma told you, shush yourself!" yelled Cleo sending a blast of her power towards the ghost. The ghost flew up slightly higher to avoid getting hit before flying towards Cleo. Cleo was getting ready to hit it again before the ghost began to spark for about a minute and falling to the ground. "I complement you on your timing, Spaceman." said Cleo crossing her arms. "I'll take that as a 'thank you'." said Spaceman placing his hand on his hips. "Indeed." said Cleo as she saw Fred, Daphne, Velma, Bobby and Giada running towards them. "Alright, where's the ghost? I'm ready for it!" said Giada holding up some garlic while Bobby was holding some kind of kitchen utensil. Cleo quirked a brow while Spaceman pointed to their feet. "Great work, guys, you caught him!" said Fred. "I think you mean 'it', Fred." said Velma. "It?" asked Giada. Spaceman removed the cloth covering the ghost to reveal a drone underneath. "A drone? So ghosts aren't real then?" asked Giada. Cleo had half a mind to slap the woman senseless like she wanted to with Chip four years ago but decided against it. "Wait a minute, where are the others?" asked Daphne. "Like, right here, Daph!" called Shaggy as he and Scooby came out of one of the hedges followed by Demon, Starchild and Catman who was holding a cat for some reason. "What's with the cat?" asked Spaceman. "Beats me, I found it wandering the maze when the five of us split up." said Catman. "Bella! You're OK!" cried Giada taking the cat for Catman and hugging it close. "That explains that then." said Demon. "You're welcome...." muttered Catman since Giada hadn't even bothered to thank him her basically finding her cat. "I'm sure she'll thank you later Cat, don't worry about it." said Starchild placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Velma, but I believe this mystery is just about to come to a close." said Cleo. "Huh? It is?" asked Shaggy scratching his head. "Cleo's right. I have a plan to catch whose really behind all this but first we need to get everyone back at the resort." said Velma. "You mean like a Re-Grand Opening?" asked Spaceman. "Exactly." said Velma. "How's that going to help?" asked Bobby. "I'll explain on the way back, but we need to make sure people will show up." said Velma. "We can help with that, right, fellas?" asked Starchild turning to the rest of the band. "Let rock this place!" said Spaceman. "Count me in!" said Demon. "Same here." said Catman. "The famous Rock band KISS playing at Bobby Flay's Cooking Resort? I fail to see how people won't show up." said Cleo crossing her arms. "Once again taking that as a complement, Cleo." said Spaceman. "It was." said Shaggy placing an arm around his best friend's shoulder. 

Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to publish this! Seems like everyone in my house has been sick. My dad's been badly congested due to his COPD and hasn't been able to move around without being in distress and both my mom and I came down with a stomach bug. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed reading this and I'll see ya next time!

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