The Red Ghost

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As soon as the group reached the end of the hall, Bobby opened two doors to reveal a massive kitchen type area. There were a few other famous chefs already inside such as Giada De Laurentiis, Marcus Samuelesson and his wife, and Skip Taylor who for some reason was falling in and out of sleep in the corner. As the group walked past Marcus, he didn't look all to pleased to see Shaggy. "Shaggy!" he scoffed. Shaggy only smiled and waved. "You two know each other?" asked Demon confused. Cleo sighed. "Shaggy went to a book signing for the Samuelessons and asked them to sign another chef's cookbook rather than there own." explained Cleo. "That explains it." said Catman. "Yeah, like best day ever." said Shaggy staring off into space. "Which I specifically told you was a bad idea." said Cleo crossing her arms. "What I want to know is what's up with that guy." said Spaceman pointing to Skip. "Your guess is as good as ours." said Starchild just as Skip bolted awake. "RED G-" he began to scream before Bobby stepped in. "Easy there, Skip, how about you go lay down for a while?" said Bobby. Cleo raised an eyebrow. "Red what?" asked Daphne. "It's nothing. Nothing to worry about at all." said Bobby. 'Nothing to worry about, hm?' thought Cleo feeling suspicious. 

That night, the group was outside enjoying a meal that Bobby had prepared. Shaggy and Scooby were STILL enjoying the meal even though their stomachs were huge. "Yeesh, do those two ever stop eating?" asked Spaceman. "Were the Pyramids built in a single day?" asked Cleo cocking an eyebrow. "That's a 'no' then." said Demon. An Irish accented voice then spoke up.  "Kids, this is Mr. Noseworthy." said Bobby. "That's NOSAYworthy! Why does everyone keep saying that anyway?" asked the older man as he came out of the shadows showing his rather large nose. Cleo quickly chocked on her water and covered her mouth. "I can name a reason..." began Catman who was quickly kicked by Cleo under the table. "OW!" groaned Catman rubbing his shin. "Thanks, I didn't need that leg." Mr. Nosayworthy then began to ramble about how the Flays were nothing but liars and how Bobby had fired him. "Someone belongs in the nut house..." said Demon under his breath. Cleo, however, heard her boyfriend loud and clear and elbowed him HARD. "Don't be rude!" she hissed. "Well he does." muttered Demon as Mr Nosayworthy began to talk about his family cottage on the grounds that he was born and raised in. "Alright Mr Nose- I mean Nosayworthy, I told you that you could stay in the cottage as long as you didn't scare off any of the guests." said Bobby. "Scare off the guests?" asked Spaceman. "How?" asked Catman. Mr. Nosayworthy then turned to leave. However, just before he left, he warned everyone about the Red Ghost which caused Shaggy and Scooby to hide behind Cleo. "R-r-r-red G-g-g-ghost!?" stuttered Shaggy. "R-r-r-r-red R-r-r-r-r-rhost!?" repeated Scooby. "That answer your question?" asked Demon sarcastically causing Cleo to smack the back of his head. "Relax you two, there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of." assured Cleo.  "I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading off to bed." said Starchild. "Good idea. We should all turning in for the night, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." said Fred. "Yeah, an all you can eat buffet, what could be better." said Shaggy. "Reah!" agreed Scooby. "Not exactly you two." said Spaceman. "Spaceman's right, starting tomorrow we'll be learning how to cook our OWN meals." said Velma. "You two didn't think that we were coming to a culinary resort and not do any cooking did you?" asked Daphne. "Daphne, how long have you known Shaggy and Scooby?" asked Cleo raising an eyebrow. "Fair enough." said Daphne with a sigh as the group started walking back to the resort. Well everyone except Shaggy and Scooby who were stuffing their doggie bags. "Hey, uh, Cleo, there something I need to talk to you about. It's ah, kinda important." said Demon. "Yes, Demon?" asked Cleo. Just as Demon was about to open his mouth, Shaggy and Scooby ran inside the resort screaming their heads off. "What's with those two?" asked Spaceman. Cleo sighed. "Sorry Demon, looks like it'll have to wait until tomorrow." Afterwards, Cleo quickly ran inside to see what was wrong with her two friends. "Yeah, tomorrow, no big deal..." muttered Demon. "Don't worry, Demon, it' like Cleo said, you can always tell her in the morning." said Catman when the Scooby gang was out of ear shot.  

FINALLY  finished with this chapter! Thanks so much for waiting guys. Now I have two quick questions for everyone. 1) Should Demon tell Cleo about being her soulmate in the next chapter or should I wait and leave that for another chapter to create suspense?  And  2)How should Cleo react to the big, shocking news? I really would appreciate the help. Anyway, that's all for now, see ya guys next time!

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