New partner

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Anusha's pov;

"Hey stop, please stop the bus." I was yelling and running behind my college bus.

I knew the driver stop the bus when he heard my voice because he knew me who was late for the bus every day and catches it at the last minute. Oh!! Wait, little correction, on last-second!

The bus braked, sending a cloud of dust my way.

I ran up to its door quickly and got on the bus.
As I entered the bus. I offered my best innocent smile to everyone. Especially to our kind-hearted uncle at the wheel, hoping he did forgive me.

I scanned my bus card and quickly made my way towards some empty seats.

This act was repeated every day. It became my daily story.

What could I do?? I couldn't keep up with my time because I was not a morning person. I couldn't wake up early in the morning and get ready on time.

I could run a marathon to catch the bus instead of disturbing my precious sleep by walking up early in the morning.

Time skips.

I stepped out of the bus and stretched. It was a long journey.

I glanced at the outer building. I was standing in front of a prestigious college.

I studied hard to be admitted to this university. But my mother was the one who struggled the most to help me with my dreams. She did sacrifice a lot for me.


While I was walking down the hallways. I found them bustling with students all along with different things. Some are chated with their friends. While others busied themselves on their phones. Some bragged about their latest expensive stuff. Some are lost in themselves in their books.

Some were giving me weird looks.

Yeah, I didn't have expensive or classy branded clothes to wear every day. Yet, my clothes were always decent ones.

I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a white plane full sleeves shirt was loosely tucked inside them. I wore black boots and my hair was perfectly pinned in to back as a messy bun.

I didn't give a shit about those types of people. Who judges me from my appearance. I always tried to ignore them. Yet, I couldn't completely.

I glared back at them while passing through.

I was always the odd one here because I didn't have rich and affluent parents like others, and I didn't have many friends too. But I was more of an independent person. I didn't want to depend on anyone else, so I was likely to be alone and appreciate my own company. I was proud of who I am because one day I knew all my hard work will pay off.

Jackson and Bambam were my only friends here.

Thank God Jackson was my labmate AND my lab partner, so I didn't have to deal with some spoiled brat instead.


I unlocked my locker and took out my apron, and all the essential things for today's experiment. After I did carefully set them in my bag, I made my way towards the chemistry lab.

I was 15 minutes early for the lab.

Usually, I was a latecomer, somehow I did come early. I took out my apron all the required materials and dropped off my bag on the front rack.

I stood at my place assigned spot and glanced at my manual, too many random thoughts were entering to read it.

Physically, I was in the room. But mentally, I was somewhere else. I was swimming in my deep thoughts. Nothing makes sense around me. Until someone tapped my shoulders.

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