Chapter 2

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Wow, talk about a good response to the first chapter, I can't wait to see what you guys think of this one. Thanks for all the great reviews!

Naruto was walking towards the hospital nervously to see his teammates, he was wearing his new chunin vest with pride, when he stopped at the door trying to think of a way to tell his teammates all of this. He was the one getting married and he could barely process it. Naruto chose winging it as his best option, seeing as how it had always worked before. He took a deep breath and opened the door, "hey guys, how's it going?"

Sakura went to yell at the young jinjuriki, "Naruto you baka, you...almost woke up...Sasuke..." She stopped when she noticed the chuunin vest he was wearing, "you made chunin?"

"Yeah, but that's kinda just the tip of the iceberg," Naruto was cut of by the now awake Sasuke before he could finish.

"The dobe made chunin, how?" The bedridden boy screamed.

Kakashi decide to speak up, "Sasuke we should be happy for him, no need to yell. Obviously the council felt he did well enough to be promoted. Well done Naruto, I also heard Jiraiya-San is training you, very impressive." He finished with one of his classic eye smiles.

"Hn, congratulations... I'm going for walk, need to clear my head," Sasuke said getting out of his hospital bed. He walked out giving Naruto and Sakura a slight shove as he left, much to the pink hair girls dismay.

"Naruto, why did you have to come in here flaunting your vest like that, you upset Sasuke? Well I guess it's not really your fault. Congratulations." Sakura finished half heartedly.

"Guys sit down we have a lot to talk about..." Naruto spent about ten minutes telling them everything, other than his heritage, and waited nervously for a response.

Kakashi was the first to speak, "Well that's great Naruto, although I don't know what the Leaf will do without its favorite knucklehead ninja." He told his student, trying to hide the fact that he would really miss the boy. Naruto had brought some light back into his life, and he was sad he was going to lose that.

"Naruto I'm so sorry, you come in here with great news and all I do is yell at you. I'm gonna miss you a lot and I'm sure Sasuke will too. We were finally starting to become a real team." Salute told him with a sad smile. She walked up and gave the boy a small hug which the boy returned, very surprised.

"Thanks Sakura-chan, that means a lot to me. We're gonna go down and meet my future wife in about an hour, can round up everybody else so I see them?" Naruto asked.

"Of course, I'll make sure Sasuke is there too. How long to have before you to the Mist?" Sakura asked with a smile.

"About a month," Naruto responded.

"Great, we'll make sure it's the best month you've ever had." She said running out of the room happily.

Naruto stood in the doorway confused, "I don't get it, usually she's all mad and tries to hit me, but she got all nice and even gave me hug, what's up with that?"

Kakashi laughed "Women are confusing creatures Naruto, very confusing creatures. Kinda funny that the most wonderful thing in the world belongs to the most confusing things in the world."

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