The Date-Chapter 8 (for real this time)

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OMGI'msosorryforbeinglazyandbeingaprocrastinatorlikeusual. Wait, noI'mnot. Ijusthaven'tbeenabletocomeupwithareallycutedatetypeofstorything. Soyeah. Andmyhopelessromanticfriendwon'thelpme... XCSoyeah. BUT! (HEHEISAIDBUT) IAMWRITINGITNOW. SOENJOY! XD



We got in the elevator and I pressed the button that made us go to the ground. As the doors closed, the boring elevator music comes on.

"They should really get some better music in here. This makes me want to sleep." I say

He makes a small giggle.

"Yeah. They should. Like Of Mice & Men or something." He says

"But something quiet. Not so hard core."

"What's wrong with the hard core songs?"

"Nothing! I think they are all great. Its just the old people."

"Sure." He says and rolls his eyes. He steps closer and grabs my hand.

Ohmylord. He'sholdingmyhand. Ok. Igotthis. I'mnotgoingttofreakout. Thisisnobigdeal.

"Are you ok?" He asks me

"Yeah why?" I respond already knowing that my face is probably the color of a tomato.

"Your face is a little red." He says as me muffles a giggle "It's cute"
I look away and down at the ground. The elevator stops and opens to let us out. We get out still holding hands and walk to the theater making small talk. We get there, get the tickets and head inside. When we get to the snack bar, we grab skittles, soda (root beer), a small thing of popcorn, and kit kats.

"I will pay you back for all of this I promise." I tell him

"No. Its called a "date" remember. I got everything. Trust me. Don't worry." He says and he grabs my hand again.

I swear I won't get used to holding his hand. We find our screening room and pick out our seats.

"I have this weird thing where I like to sit in the middle in movies. Don't question it. I do it everywhere with everyone." I warn him.

"Ok. I don't mind. I'm weird myself."

I find the direct middle and we sit down. We watch the ads and some previews making small talk. The lights go down and the movie begins.


Some creepy little girl jumps out from behind a couch and it scares me so much that I hide my face in Johnnie's chest. I feel his chest vibrate as he makes a small giggle.

"I thought you weren't scared?" He said looking down at me.

"Well I am. Don't judge." I said looking up and staring into his bright blue eyes.

We stayed like that until the movie was over. We got up, grabbed our things and left the screening room.

"Besides you being scared, did you like the movie?" He asks me while grabbing my hand to hold it.

"Yeah. It was good."

"Good. Your really cute when you get scared." He says getting a little red.

"Thanks. I'm surprised you didn't get scared."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks

"Nothing.." I say as we walk out of the theaters and to my apartment. We make small talk and soon enough we are in front of my door.

"I had a fun time today." He says grabbing both of my hands.

"Me too." I say looking into his eyes.

He leans in and kisses me on the lips. This kiss was like no other. I could tell that he liked me. I could tell from this kiss. We finally broke apart and said our goodbyes. I watched him walk down the hall before unlocking my door and heading inside.

So... That'stheendofthischapter. Wasitgood? Iliterallythoughtofthislike a fewdaysago. AndIhope it stood uptoyourstandards. Surprisingly, IwrotethislisteningtoOM&M. OHSNO!! MYHEADPHONESSTOPPEDWORKING!!! SAVEME!! MYLIFEISRUINED!! JK. No but seriously, my life is ruined. My headphones are everything. I'm goingtobednow. Night.


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