Finding a Job.. ~ Chapter 2

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I get majorly bored at the park, get hungry and decide to get something to eat. After walking about 15 minutes, I find a small cafe. As soon as you walk in, you get hit in the face with the smell of coffee. I wait in line and notice a small sign saying that they are looking for people to work here.

I should apply. I sorta need a job. I think

20 minutes pass and I'm finally up at the register.

"Hi. What can I get for you?" says the overly chippy waitress.

"Um.. Hi. Can I get a small coffee and a chocolate chip muffin? And where do I fill out an application?"

"Alright. Here's the application. I will get your muffin and coffee. That will be $6.43" she says still overly happy.

I pay for my things, grab my muffin and the application and sit at a small table near the window to wait for my coffee. To fill out the paperwork didn't take as long as I thought. I handed back the paperwork to the overly happy lady in the front and sat back down at my table and ate my muffin. Once my coffee was ready, I grabbed it and ran out the door.

Where to now? Home? No... to boring.. Mall? Ugh.. I guess.

Walking to the mall wasn't so bad, its the inside that's terrible. I go look for Hottopic to get some new sweaters and some shirts. As I'm looking for it, some guy grabs my but and squeezes it.


"Oh.. Your a feisty one aren't you? I like that." He says as he tries to pull me twords him.

Gosh? Why does everything bad have to happen to me?

"LET ME GO YOU CREEP!!" was the last thing I said before I kicked him in the balls and punched him in the nose.

"OW YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" He yelled in agony

"That's what you get for fucking with me you fucking ass." I said and quickly walked away.

I am so pissed. That happens at least every time I come to this shit hole mall. Why? Why?!

After walking around trying to find the flippen bathroom to wash the blood off my hand, I find Hottopic.

About fucking time..

I walk around the store and find exactly what I came in for. Lets say that when it comes to getting things, I go overboard. I bought more then I wanted. I pay for the things I found and walk the fastest I've ever walked in my entire life out of there.

Ugh.. I need to get a car. Seriously..

I find a cab, get in, and tell him the address to my apartment. As I wait, I decide to check Twitter.

All i see on Twitter are youtubers telling what they are doing every second of the day.

"@JohnnieGuilber1: I had a crazy day today. Ran into someone this morning, went shopping and got bombarded by some thugpugs, and went home to find Twitter going nuts. What happened?!" 

WHAT?! HE TWEETED ABOUT OUR INCIDENT?! WOW!!  Only if i wasn't so quite he probably would've liked me.. No! Never ganna happen. Keep dreaming.

"Excuse me but we are here." says the cab driver.

"OK thank you." I say and grab my things and pay him. I walk to the elevator and press my floor number.

They should get better music in here. I hate elevator music.

The elevator stops and I walk to my apartment. Let's say again, that I have a hard time opening doors. I walk in, set my things down on the floor and close and lock my door. I walk up the stairs and put my clothes away, change into some shorts and a Nirvana tank. I walk downstairs and turn on the TV. Not even 10 minutes later, someone knocks on the door.

Oh great. Who could that be?

I walk up and answer the door. I couldn't believe it.

And that's the end of the second chapter. I hope this wasn't to boring. Sorry for not updating in years. Ive had a lot going on in my life. And im probably not going to be updating as much as i would like since I start school in 2 days so... Oh.. This was inspired by oliisbae they told me things were going to fast so i slowed it down just a bit. Hope you like it and dont get mad at me for the cliff hanger. Its supposed to happen!!


Bad Habits (Johnnie Guilbert fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt