Meeting Bryan-Chapter13

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A/N: Heyo potatoes! I'm introducing Bryan in this chapter so now he is officialy part of the story!!!!! YAY! I might be introducing Dan and Phil soon, because I'm curently obsesed with them and its my story so I'm ganna have them in the story. So.... Ya. The amount of reads on this book is blowing my mind. 2.7k reads is so much more than I expected. And I mentioned "Not Your Average Love Story" in the last chapter's author's note, so tell me in the comments if you like it or want me to keep writing. I'm going to update that story after this one. Let's get to BRYANSTARS now!!!! :)

*Star's POV*

Today's the day I'm meeting Bryan. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Johnnie told me I had nothing to worry about, but how could I not? He's BRYAN MOTHER FUCKING STARS. Like com'on... I get up from bed and see Johnnie sleeping like an angel. I head to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

"Ugh... I look like Satan had a baby with the ugliest woman ever." I say as I wash my face and brush out my hair. "I also need a shower." 

I take off my pjs and jump in the cold shower.


As I finished washing my hair, I hear Johnnie come into the bathroom. Oh Boy..........

"You got in the shower with out me?" He said "You couldn't have waited till I woke up?"

"Yes I did get in with out you. And no, we have to meet Bryan soon. I'm ganna come out in like 3 minutes." I said as I quickly washed up

"Hey babe, can you go make breakfast?" I ask so I can get out of the shower without him seeing me


"Because I'm hungry. And I know that your hungry too." Not to be mean but you really need to get the fuck out of the bathroom. I'm not exactly comftorable in my body.

"Now, that I think about it, I am. Okay. I will leave."

I hear him leave the bedroom and I quickly turn off the water and grab a towel before he could come back inside. I grab my phone and blast ADTR through my speaker. I go through my dresser and decide on a blue tank top that covers my shoulders, a pair of black skinny jeans, and my abourn red vans. I go back in the bathroom to brush and straighten my hair, do my make-up, and brush my teeth. By the time I'm done, and head downstairs, its 10:30 and we have to meet Bryan by 12.

"Its about time you came down. I made you some pancakes." Johnnie said as he came to kiss me and hand me my food.

I honestly was not this hungry. I will take a few bites so he won't get upset that I didn't eat them.

I take a few bites and set them down on the counter. 

"Did you not like them?" He asks worried

"No.. I did. They were great.. You just made me so much and I wasn't THAT hungry." 

"I always do stuff like this. I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up." he says while looking at the ground

Damit! Now I feel really bad. 

"Hey. It's not a big deal. your not a fuck up. I can always eat them later when I'm hungrier." I say as I walk over to him. 

I pick up his head and give him the most passionate kiss I had ever given. He kisses back and his tounge runs along my bottom lip asking for entry. I let him enter and it was like our mouths moved in sync. He starts to lift up my shirt, but i pull his hand back down while keeping my lips to his. I pull away and grasp for air.

"You still have to get ready." I say as I bite my lip

"I know. I will be right back." He says as he kisses me and runs up stairs. 

I decide to take this time to catch up on Doctor Who. It was the doomsday episode, and my feels were being attacked so much.

"NO!!! YOU CAN"T LEAVE HER! GO BACK TO HER!" I yell at the screen trying not to cry

"You know they can't hear you right?" Johnnie asks as he comes to sit on the couch

"I know." I say sadly "But he can't leave her. They are ment to be together." 

"What are you watching anyways?" He ask while looking at the screen "I've never seen it before."

"Doctor Who. You should watch it sometime. It's really good." I check my phone and notice that it was 11:40 " We should get going."

"Yeah. We are meeting him at the coffee shop down the street." 

Johnnie grabs my hand and gets off the couch. I get off as well, turn off the TV, grab my purse, and head out the door. I lock it and we head down the hallway to the elevator

*TIme skip due to my lazyness. At coffee shop*

We walk in and see Bryan sitting at a table on his phone. 

"BRYAN YOU HORE!!!" Johnnies yells as we get inside and everyone stares at us

"HEY MY BITCHES" Bryan yells back

We reach the table and Johnnie introduces me.

"Hi." I say shyly

"Hey." Bryan says as he pulls me into a hug "Its about time Johnnie got a girlfriend." Johnnie and Bryan both laugh. 

We all sit down and make small talk and them making snapchats, taking pics, and tweeting. 

I should start a youtube channel. I have a boyfriend and his best friend who know how to start one and make videos and edit them. Ya.. I will

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