Goodbyes and good deeds

Start from the beginning

Reaching the bottom of the stairs we go to the side of the road only to see a huge black bus. My eyes must be size of plates or something because this thing  is awesome. It's huge and looks like a charging rhino couldn't dent it.

"I guess this is my ride.... Mira-" i get cut off by her picking me up i  a hug..... almost squeezing me to death. How is she even this strong?

"As soon as your able to call me ok. I'm going to miss you black cat." She says sadly.

She rarely ever uses that nick name on me, only on special occasions. ...... I am going to miss her so much.

Raping my arms around her I give a hug. She gently puts me back onto the ground and helps me load my stuff into the back of the buss.

As I get into the bus I see 4 other people sitting in random seats across the bus. No ones in the back row so I go there. I quickly sit down and put my backpack by my feet. I didn't want to put it with my other luggage. 

With a small jolt the bus starts. Looking out the window I see Mira waving to me and I do the same. When she disappears from eyesight I get out my phone and play Happier by Marshmallow. I have always liked music, it can manipulate my mood in so many ways. It's a part of me and luckily I've got a few hundred downloaded so thank goodness for that. I listen to music on a daily biases and would probably kill myself if I didn't take the time and data to download some of my favourites.

Eventually I get a little curious about all the other people in the bus especially this one girl in the from who is making a huge racket. Looking over the seats I see she has blond hair and is wearing a lot of expensive clothing and is probably 19-22. She's also chewing gum and taking selfies. 

Now I'm not to judge someone on their looks but I can already shes one of those spoiled rich girls who think the can get away with anything and think their better than everyone. She's radiating it. Next to her is a guy probably the same age and her boyfriend by the looks of it that has dark brown hair and looks like hes a supermodel. I wont deny it he's handsome.

But I'm definatly not interested. 

There's a girl with long braided black hair a few rows in front of me that is wearing a lot of black makeup and has a nose and lip piercing. Her skin is a dark chocolate brown and I can see a few scars on he arms, she looks to be about my age. She's wearing black from what I can tell and she's rocking the goth look. She looks amazing. She's reading a book that's called cogheart [it's a real book and its amazing].

Then there's this guy in front of me with short black hair with blood red dyed tips. He has a leather jacket with a flaming skull on the back and lots of spikes. He looks like a biker, maybe in his twenty's, but there's this calm aura to him that's a bit relaxing. He's asleep.

Suddenly the sound of doors opening fills the air. Looking to the front of the bus I see a boy with chocolate brown hair and a pair of glasses that remind me of Harry Potter's holding a stack of books and looks maybe 17. He looks kinda cute actually.

"Ugh great another nerd." says the guy in the front. The girl next to him starts sniggering, yeah sniggering, and takes a picture of the boy and starts typing.

He lowers his head a bit and stars to walking past them with a depressed aura. My face turns to one of utter disgust towards those two snobs in the front. How dare they, How dare they make fun of him.

And if not to just make me want to punch them both in the face even more the guy trips him, causing to fall with a small scream. 

I bang my hand against the seat in front of me and get up to help him. Bending down I give my hand to him which he gladly accepts. He looks up and stares an me for a minute. I stare back with the kindest smile I have. He has beautiful light brown eyes that look like they belong to a teddy bear, they sparkle. 

Slowly I help him up and quickly pick up his books for him and give them to him. He looks at me shocked.

"Th-th -thank y-y-you." he stutters while blushing a bit.

"No problem. Would you like to sit with me?" I ask kindly. He nods frantically.

"I sit in the back row. I'll be there in a sec just need to take care of something quickly."

He nods and runs to the back.

I slowly turn to the two in the front, a look that could kill present on my face. 

I'm gonna make these bitches regret ever stepping foot on this bus. 

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