As I speed walked through the hallways, my friend Tricia walked up behind me and easily kept up. “So,” she started. “I saw Dylan hanging around outside…”

My smile broadened. “Oh?” was all I said. I was rewarded with a punch to the arm.

“Whatever! You know that you have been dying to see that boy ever since his car left the drive way.” I shrugged and continued to make a beeline for the double doors at the school’s rear. “Oh. Before I forget, my cousin said that we could use her studio to rehearse.” Not only was Tricia a good friend of mine but she has also been my dance partner of two years. We have come out on top in every talent competition we have ever competed in.

“Okay, cool.” We had finally made it outside and the oak tree came into my line of sight at the far end of the field. “Hey listen, let’s talk later alright?” I said already leaving for the field.

Tricia gave me a knowing smile. “Mmm-hmm… you go get your romance on lover boy.” As if that were the encouragement that I needed, I sprinted off towards the tree. (song: glad you came)

It was a bit of a distance and I was thoroughly out of breath by the time I made it there. There was no sight of Dylan. I completely circled the tree and was perplexed not to see him. Was he really here? But Tricia said that she saw him… I looked around again. Maybe he went to his car for something. I was thinking about going to check for his car when something hit me in the back. Looking down, only a French fry littered the floor. That could have been left behind by anybody at this school. So what hit me? I looked around again and saw nothing. Just then, something brown landed right in front of me. Thinking that it was a rabid squirrel wanting to make a meal of me, I jumped a foot in the air.

Nothing came out at me and the bag didn’t move. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a bag that fell. Freddy’s diner was logoed on the front. Freddy’s was mine and Dylan’s favorite restaurant. My heart started to accelerate and a smile the size of Texas spread onto my face. I looked up and there he was. My boyfriend of one year next month sitting on a tree branch looking just as good as I remembered. His tousled chestnut hair fell as waves across his forehead and down the sides of his face. His lips curved into a cunning smile that showed off his dimples. He must not have shaved on his trip because a shadow cast across his angular jaws but the goatee he insisted to keep was still evident.

Looking up at him, my eyes were immediately captured by his penetrating deep blue eyes. For nearly a year I have gazed in those eyes everyday and saw more than I ever thought possible.

When he finally decided to jump down from the branch, I wasn’t able to hold back. I had him in my arms and crushed to my chest before his feet even had the chance to hit the ground. His chuckle rumbled through his chest and vibrated against mine, then I felt his strong arms wrap securely around me. He held me for a while and I just kept my face buried in the crook of his shoulder.

I held back the whine that threatened to erupt when he pulled away. I couldn’t, however, hold back the slight moan of relief when I felt his lips touch mine. Thinking about it now, I thought it was a little pathetic to not be able to go a week without seeing Dylan, but with him in my arms, his mouth moving against mine, I could hardly care about anything else any more.

His lips moved away from mine and traveled down my neck and up to my ear. “I missed you.” He whispered into my ear right before blowing into it. A shiver of delight ran through me and once again I sought his lips.

“I missed you too.” I said against his lips. We kissed again. “The food’s going to be cold if we don’t stop soon.”

“I don’t care about the damn food.” He said, pressing my hips closer to his making me feel the bulge in his pants. I gulped, feeling my own pants grow a little bigger. If I didn’t stop this, we would end up naked in the middle of the football field.

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