Chapter 1; Harvard University

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She was in her sweet dreams when suddenly her alarm clock rang.
She got up with a jerk and realised that today was the first day of her new university. She went to the bathroom, took a shower and got ready. She went downstairs and greeted her dad with a warm hug.

"Good morning dad" she spoke smiling widely at him.

"Good morning babie .....You excited?" he asked her returning the hug.

"Yes dad, I am super exited for it. To learn new things, make new friends and many more things. And it was my dream to study in this university so why wouldn't I be excited?" she said, lost in her own dream land. It was her dream to study in this university and now it was coming to life.

"Good! Now go and have your breakfast or else you will get late on the first day itself." he said laughing at her cuteness.

After having breakfast, she took her car keys and hurried to the university.


When she reached her dream place" Harvard university, she couldn't make out what was better. The classes, the beauty of the place or the university in itself...
When she was done adoring the college, she thought to take the time table from the office but as she didn't know where it was, she decided to ask someone. She saw a girl and a boy talking and laughing. She didn't want to interrupt them but she went there and asked them.

"umm.... Excuse me. Can you please help. This is my first day in the university. Can you please guide me to the office?" Daisy spoke awkwardly with the girl.

" Ya sure....i would love to help u." The girl said excusing herself from the boy and giving her a sweet smile.

Then she guided her to the office. There was an awkward silence between them when the girl broke it.

"My name is Emily. What's your name?" She asked her.

"Nice name... I'm Daisy" She said with a smile.

"So tell me something about yourself Daisy?" She asked her.

"Umm.. I am a transfer student, and i love exploring new places and making new friends. Will you be one?"  they both laughed to Daisy's unintended humour.

"Yes, sure" she said still smiling. "So here we are!" she said pointing towards the office.

" Thank you Emily " She said smiling brightly at her.

"Well friendship has some rules... No sorry and no thank you." She said in a dramatic way.

Daisy chuckled to that and replied "true."

Daisy went inside the office and greeted the people over there. She took her time table and her locker number and came outside. Emily was still standing there, waiting for her to come out...

"Come, I will take you to your class." She said and asked for her time table where her class was written.
"OMG! Daisy, you are in my class!" She said guiding her to the class. When they reached, Emily said, "So, this is our class." You couldn't reply to her as the teacher made her way to the class. Emily quickly said, "Do meet me in the cafeteria after the classes." and sat with a random girl.

" Ok." Replied Daisy waving her a goodbye.
The teacher noticed her and asked her to introduce herself to the class. Daisy could feel the stares of the class.
"Hello everyone! My name is Daisy. I'm a transfer student here. I hope we get along well with each other." She said smiling.

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