"I have created many things over the years, as well as achieving a few huge academic achievements. Among these achievements was the many masteries I have gained." They held up a hand to stop the flow of questions.

"I have gained a mastery in Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Runes, Spell Crafting and Defence, as well as completing a healer's course. I have not published these results as I really don't like the spotlight. Even my role of Guardian of Magic, I am planning on conducting in secret. Or, at least with my real identity a secret.

"Using the masteries I gained, I was able to approach St Mongos with all my creations and improvements. These creations included the improved calming draught and the wound healing venom negator. At the end of last year, I was able to incorporate the Elixir of Life from the Philosophers Stone into a potion I had been working on. I finished the potion at the end of last term and presented it to St Mongos over the holiday break.

"After a meeting with Head Healer Eildur, I was convinced to also make public the first potion I had ever made, which I had made for my guardian. So, when everyone found out about my achievements, they didn't just find out about the potion that had healed two people almost everyone had given up on, but also a potion that basically cured werewolves," they finished. They looked over their friends. They all seemed in awe. All of them, except one. Neville seemed like he was about to burst into tears.

"You're the miracle healer. You gave me my parents back," he sobbed.

"I figured, you have two parents that would love you with all their hearts, if only given the chance. So why not give them that chance," Alex said softly. Neville stood up, moving over to hug Alex tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he murmured in their ear. Alex patted Neville's back, returning the hug. Neville released them after a few moments, moving back so that they could see the rest of the group.

"So, what specific things did you learn with the Founders?" Padma asked.

"Um, Merlin taught me apparition," they said. They then twisted on their heel, apparated behind the group to demonstrate their ability.

"I thought you couldn't apparate inside the Hogwarts wards," Mandy commented.

"Normally you can't. However, I was keyed into the wards. I am one of the only six people you can, along with Merlin, Rena, Ric, Sal and Helga," they explained.

"They also gained an ability that they used to confuse us greatly," Rowena said.

"Yeah, I'm an animagus," they admitted, rubbing the back of their neck.

"Ooh, whats your form?" Terry asked eagerly.

"Well, Flame thought it would be fun to show me their new animagus status by leaping at me from a tree as a Black Panther," Godric supplied.

"And they helped me stock up on Phoenix tears in the infirmary," Helga added.

"And greatly confused me by talking to me without being apparently visible by curling on the floor as a magical cobra," Salazar drawled.

"You're a multi-animagi?" Lisa asked.

"That's incredibly rare. It hasn't been heard of since 1576. And that person only had two forms, not three," Michael added.

"Yeah, I am."

"And did Helga mention supplying phoenix tears? And Salazar said magical cobra, right?" Blaise added. Alex nodded

"That would mean you have a magical animagus," Anthony said, "which is just as rare as being a multi-animagi."

"But, no one has heard of someone being a multi-magical-animagi," Draco added.

"Yeah, I'm kind of a special case," Alex admitted sheepishly.

"Can we see?" Hermione asked. Alex nodded and smoothly became a Black Panther in front of their friends eyes.

"That's so cool," Padma commented. Next, Alex changed into the Magical Cobra. They slithered over to Blaise, sliding over his legs gracefully. They slid back to the floor before changing into a Dark Phoenix.

"You said you were a Phoenix Alex. Not a Dark Phoenix," Draco whispered in awe.

"What's so special about a Dark Phoenix?" Hermione asked.

"No one has seen one in at least 700 years. Most think them to just be a myth, or that they have gone extinct," Neville supplied. Alex changed back into human, smiling at their friends.

"Yes, but they also think that about Basilisks." Their Ravenclaw friends shuddered slightly, while their Gryffindor and Slytherin friends seemed confused.

"Give me a minute. I want to introduce you to my familiar." Alex walked to the potions lab. Akira loved the potions lab, enjoying curling up in an unused cauldron. They moved towards Akira's favourite cauldron, which they had stopped using after finding the basilisk curled up in their more than once. They hadn't wanted to leave any dangerous leftovers in the cauldron and risk harming their familiar.

$I want to introduce you to my friends,$ Alex hissed. Akira slowly uncurled herself, sliding out of the cauldron onto Alex's offered arm.

$Are they the ones I met in your room last term?$ she asked.

$Some are. But there are a few new people as well.$ Akira nodded her agreement with meeting the new people and Alex walked back into the main room.

"Guys, this is Akira. She's my familiar," Alex said. They felt Akira slide down their leg and watched as she moved around the group, tongue flickering out in front of each of them. She stopped in front of a few of them, eyeing them slightly, before continuing on. After she had passed each of them, she returned to Alex's shoulders.

$I approve of them all,$ she told Alex. They rolled their eyes.

$Good to know. Even though I wouldn't stop being friends with them just because you didn't approve of them.$ They then noticed the awe on Draco's and Blaise's faces, and the slight amount of terror on Neville's and Hermione's.

"Yes, forgot to mention. I'm a Parselmouth."

"That's such a rare ability," Blaise breathed.

"Everything I've heard about Parseltongue indicates that it's a dark ability," Hermione said quietly.

"Yeah, same hear," Neville agreed. Alex looked to Sal for help. They weren't very good at explaining Parseltongue.

"Parseltongue is not inherently evil or dark. It is an ability passed down the bloodlines of the oldest wizarding families, such as the Peverells, which is where Alex gets the ability. However, it also requires Lady Magic's blessing to be able to access such a gift, even if it is in your blood. Because Parseltongue is blessed by Lady Magic, it makes spells said in Parseltongue more powerful, as well as having its own brand of magic, Parselmagic. Parselmagic is an incredibly difficult magic to master, and some of the spells can be deadly, while others lifesaving. That's why it is regarded as dark or evil, because the more well-known Parselmouths only used the deadly side of Parselmagic," Salazar explained.

"So where did you get Akira?" Draco asked. "From what I've heard, Basilisks are illegal to breed and almost extinct. No one has seen one in almost a thousand years."

"Well, she was a 15th birthday present from Sal. She's the daughter of Sal's familiar, Celestine," Alex replied.

"Is Celestine still alive? Salazar mentioned her earlier, something about her going hunting," Padma mentioned.

"Yes, Celestine is still alive. She lives in a place that I'm pretty sure is legend."

"Wait, she lives in the Chamber of Secrets?" Blaise gasped. Alex nodded, ignoring the confused looks from most of their friends.

"Yeah, I can take you down there some time if you want," they offered. Both Slytherins agreed eagerly.

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