Relationship As A Journey

Start from the beginning

Newt grinned and scooted towards the edge of the seat cushion, "That's what I am! A Hufflepuff."

Anna gave a small smile and attempted to see what was on Newt's notebook page while he was distracted. He caught her eyes and snapped his booklet back towards his chest. She let out a sigh – her muscles releasing tension for the first time that day.

"Do you really want to see what's in this?"

"Newt," Anna said, "If you're going back on your word . . ."

Newt gave a breathy laugh before waving a free hand in the air, "No, no. Come here and I'll show you."

She knew he was testing her, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. She needed something else to think about rather than waiting for Soren's patronus to give her updates.

Rather than pout some more, Anna stood from her chair and walked over to sit down next to Newt, folding her arms as she did so.

Newt suppressed a smile and he held the book to his chest, making sure it was safely closed.

"Now, I've never shown this to anyone b-before." He kept his head up and his eyes alert as she looked down at his journal. "You have to p-promise not to laugh."

Anna then tried to suppress a smile, "I won't laugh."

Newt then stretched out his arms and held the brown leather book in his hands. He slowly opened the cover and there was an interesting symbol printed there; it looked like it was Newt's initials entwined together.

He took a short second to sneak a glance at Anna before carefully turning one of the yellowing pages. There was a crisp crunch as the page moved to the side, revealing an incredibly drawn picture of what Anna assumed was a creature.

It was a bird-like beast with protruding feathers surrounding all its features. It had a short beak and big black eyes. Its tail consisted of a few rather long and curled feathers. Next to the pencil drawing were colored marks to show the different pigments the bird could be.

"Did you draw this?" Anna asked. She leaned in close and gazed at all the intricate detail of the graphite on the paper.

Newt blushed slightly, "Y-yes. This is a Fwooper. I have a pink one in my case." He blinked a few times and cleared his throat, "Um . . . uh – and this is a – an Ashwinder." He turned the page again and a snake appeared on the paper. The serpent was covered in shimmering scales and by the looks of the color palate, it was glittering red and pale-gray.

Anna breathed out a small awed sigh as she studied each delicate stroke of the pencil, "That's amazing."

The corner of Newt's mouth twitched upward slightly before he turned another page, "And t-this is a Kneazle." The creature resembled a regular house-cat, but with a furry lion's tail. It had a spotted coat with rather large ears. "I've always wanted one."

Anna giggled, "It's so cute!"

Newt straightened out a bit and whipped his head to the side to get his hair out of his eyes. He began flipping through the pages quickly, spouting random facts about the creatures as he went.

"This is a Nundu and this here is a Ramora." He pointed at a small round golden bird with a long thin beak, "This is a Snidget - they were once used as golden snitches in Quidditch." He then turned to a hedgehog-like creature, "This is a Knarl – they rather fancy destroying gardens – oh and this here is . . ."

And he continued like that for almost the entirety of the booklet. Anna watched and listened patiently, taking in everything he said.

Not only was he a phenomenal magizoologist, but he had incredible drawing talent to document all that he'd discovered. It was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. The detail to each animal was beyond comprehension – it looked like an actual photographed picture.

"I can't believe you've drawn all of these. And you've never shown anyone?"

Newt stopped his rant on creatures and sunk back a little into the couch, "W-well, no. I've always j-just told my editors th-that I hired someone to draw my pictures."

Anna shook her head slightly and continued to turn the pages again, "I don't understand why. These are the most beautiful drawings I've ever seen."

Newt turned his eyes up to her face and grinned as she continued her intense search of his notebook. It wasn't until she turned the page that revealed a drawing of a person that he snatched the book closed and away from her hands.

"What was that?"

Newt hunched his shoulders again and looked down, "Nothing. That's the end of my drawings."

"But, I thought I saw . . ."

Newt stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen, his face and ears burning red. He stuffed the little notebook into his back pocket and clenched his fists at his sides.

Anna turned towards him and tried to interpret his demeanor, but thought it best not to push him. It was the first time he'd shown anyone his artwork after all.

Instead Newt filled the silence with questions. He turned around and looked to the ground when he asked, "So, you've always wanted to go to England?"

Anna twisted her hands in her lap as she responded, "Well, yeah. I've kind of always been interested in other wizard cultures and Britain is one of the most well-known besides America."

Newt nodded his head slowly and sniffed, "I didn't know you wanted to travel."

"Well, you don't know a lot of things about me, Newt."

"But I want to, you know." He swung his arms a bit at his sides, "I want to get to know you better. I – I don't have a whole lot of f-friends and I'm not very good at this whole thing . . . but I – Adelaide, I . . ."

However, within that instant, Queenie and Jacob appeared out of thin air right in front of them. Out of breath and a bit wind-wild, the two of them frantically began sputtering words.

"Ah, Newt – you have to come with us . . ." Jacob wheezed.

Queenie flew over to pull Anna from the couch, "We found something . . . you need to help!"

"Woah, slow down. Found what?" Anna said, holding her hands up.

"A creature." Jacob said, "A Niffler – I think."

Newt walked over immediately and widened his eyes, "My Niffler? Where?"

Queenie fanned her face a bit and took a breath, "We'll show you. Come on."

Newt held up a finger and dashed off into his shared bedroom, coming out with his teal coat and suitcase. He directed over to Queenie, grabbing her hand. Anna did the same with her other hand and Jacob grabbed onto Anna's free arm. In the next minute they were flown right to an abandoned street near Central Park.

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