Well, it's been a while

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Look I don't know why I'm doing this, for years I've left this story, occasionally coming back to see how it was doing but just leaving it unfinished without a word.

I think it comes as a given that I'm embarrassed at parts of this story. I did write it when I was in high school. However in a way I'm still proud of it, the potential, the amount of traction it did end up receiving. I'm not a writer, I enjoy it but I'm not. But I know how I'd fix this. I could fix this whole story, follow the storylines I had planned out, as long as I remember them.

My main concern is...would there be a point? I'd be fixing it for myself but I feel like theres not a point in re-writing a story that theres no interest in.

So I know this is a weird request after all this time but please, if you would like this story to be fixed or continue, whether you are a new or old reader, do let me know.

Thank you.

What About After School? (A Gratsu, Elfgreen, Fraxus Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now