Chapter 46: Jada

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  • Присвячено Olayemi Olabamiji

Chapter 46: Jada

          It’s been a week since we went to the Capitol. The building Xain and Izzy went in detonated with a ball of fire, but Xain and Izzy we outside on the block opposite. We brought them to Melissa for treatment and she was highly confused about Xain. He had been stabbed and was drained of blood. He was even poisoned, but he somehow got an antidote. He’s okay now, just in bed rest with Izzy and Clay.

          Clay only had a couple of bruised ribs from the car hitting him. Luckily, the viberon in the suit saved him from dying. I can’t believe I did it, but when he was awake, I actually kissed him full on the mouth. It was an accident. I was aiming for his cheek, but he turned at the last second. It was enough shock to put him back to sleep.

          Jason and Prosper decided to stick with us and help research a way to save Honey. According to them, she could be saved in about three years. I actually trust them. More so, I’m actually shocked at the conglomeration of intelligence they have.

          We still live inside of the confines of Commander Marcos, but when word spread of the “Titan Nine”, we were quickly made into an elite team to act independently. Marcos hates it silently, but she has no choice. The war in the Capitol has been brought to the feet of Satin for him to move, which I doubt he will be doing anything soon with all of the raised questions the Capitol people have—the croc in the street, perhaps. Some see us as heroes.

          Dispite it all, I feel tugged in another direction. I have too many sitting questions about what has been said. I have a feeling there’s more to my life than what is on file. This Bishop is just one mystery. I only have one conclusion: I have to leave and search.

          I tell no one as I pack late at night. I grab only what fits on my back and that I can carry. It amounts to weapons, clothing, and food. I make sure to grab a box of matches, before heading out. Before I do though, I say goodbye to a sleeping Melissa and then go to Xain's room to do the same, exept I kiss him on the forehead.

          It takes me a full minute to get through the front doors and shut it. I think I’m home free until I hear someone above me.

          “Leaving us to find out who you are, huh?”

          I look up with wide eyes as I see Xain on the roof. He was just asleep! Or was he? He’s a silent sleeper. I forgot about the week we spent in the woods.

          “I’m sorry,” I apologize ruefully. “I just feel like there’s more to me than what I’m told.”

          Xain hops down from the ten foot roof and lands on his hands and feet. “I know, that’s why I came to wish you luck.”

          “Really?” I blush for no reason.

          “And give you these.” Xain hands me two batons. They’re Tanzi’s. “She would have wanted you to have them.”

          I hand one of them back to Xain. “She would have wanted us both to have them, so we’ll share.”

          “Thanks,” Xain says. We stand in the cool breeze in an awkward silence. “So I guess this is it.”

          “I guess so,” I smile and blush. I then hug Xain tightly around the neck. About a minute goes by before I loosen, but then I hop up and peck him on the lips. If I wasn’t red before, I am now. So is he as I step away. “Bye Xain.”

          I run into the woods, only stopping when I reach the tree line to see him still watching me. I know he’s saying “I’ll see you soon” in his heart so I just continue on my journey.

          I will see you soon, Xain. Count on it.

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