Tia dalma

841 23 10

I grumbled as I slowly rose up from sleep. When I opened my eyes I see that the sun hasn't even raised yet.

Great, and I can't fall back asleep so this is just... 😄👌......🤬

As you can see I'm not a morning person.

Well might as well get up.

I slowly stood up and put my trousers on. Yes I sleep without pants leave me alone. I'm honestly not worried cause any crew members know if they try anything I'll cut there dick off. Yeah I know that might sound cruel, but guess what.

I don't give a FUCK. Again I apologize I am not a morning person when I wake up THIS early.

I walk around the ship preparing it for the day when I hear a clank or two in the captain's courters.

What the hell is he doing this early in the morning to be making all that racket. Like for real sometimes I think he might actually be fighting a lion up in there.

But of course when I open the door I see sparrow struggling with his pants. He looks like he's either desperately trying to put them off or on. I honestly don't know and I do not wish to. When I had opened the door we had made eye contact, so he had stopped completely for a second. So he's just kinda frozen. I slowly close the door and walk away before I start to laugh like crazy. I try my best to be quiet but my god. It was hard man.

No pun intended 😉🤣

Once I had calmed down I rested my elbows on the rails. Then sparrow came out. I looked to the floor smiling like an idiot probably, but I don't care that shit was hilarious to me. Whether it just be the fact I didn't get my sleep intake, or I had to much rum yesterday and I'm still drunk. Which ever it was making me like this I can't say I hate it. It was fun.

"So umm how much exactly did you see?" Jack asked in a embarrassed whisper.

I looked up at him and smirked.
"Ohhh just you struggling with your trousers. What on earth were you trying to do anyway?" I asked chuckling in the process.

Jack cleared his throat.
"Nothing you need to be concerned with." He answered looking at his shoes then to the sky not wanting to look at me I presume.

I giggled.
"That bad? Really? Were you doing what I think you were doing Sparrow?" I asked raising an eyebrow playfully pushing his arm. Jack gulped.

"What did you think I was doing?"

I snickered " nothing you need to concern yourself with." I said as I patted his arm as I walked past him.
I went back to preparing the ship when jack comes back up to me and starts to talk.

"So why are you up so early?"

"Oh believe me this was not by choice. If it was up to me I would still be asleep." I said as I secured the sails.

"You really don't have to do that love. I mean do you even know where we're going?"

I looked back up at him,

I looked back up at him,

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