Before the catastrophe pt 1...

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      I woke up to the sound of jack singing once again. Ever since he learned 'pirates life for me' he's been singing it non stop. I'm not complaining though. I love that song. It reminds you the freedoms of being a pirate.

As I start to open my eyes I see the bright sun staring down at me. That's new. I slept in. I never do that usually I'm the first to wake, but even though I wasn't the first to wake it was still quite quiet. It was so quiet you could clearly hear the wind as it moved the sails. You could also hear the waves creating their own rhythm as they hit against the ship. I was curious to why it would be so quiet, so when I looked down to see the crew at work at a slow pace I knew exactly what was going on.

They let me sleep. I smiled widely at that idea. I knew they wanted to make this day special, but I never thought they'd all actually remember. Usually I'd hate this day, but for some reason I can't bring myself to at this moment. I had decided to watch the crew a little longer before going down. (Which as you would probably expected I was in the nest ,duh 😋).

That's when I saw Pintel step on a creaky plank. Ragetti quickly hit him on the arm telling him to shut up. After a few minutes of arguing with gestures they both huff at the same time. I giggled getting both of their attention.

"We can't have one day with you two not bickering at each other like a married couple.Can we?"
Both of them smile as they look down. I jump down swinging on a rope line. Stairs take to long ok.

"I hope we didn't wake ya Syreana. If we did we're sorry," ragetti said sweetly. Ragetti has always been a gentle and kind friend ever since I joined. He's a sweetheart.

"Yeah we're sorry poppe't,"  pintel apologized.

I give both of them a warm hearted smile "It's alright guys you didn't wake me. I woke up on my own. I didn't think I would have slept that long to be honest."

"We didn't either. We thought you would have awoken hours ago."

"Let me guess it was Jack's order to leave me be?"

"Right you are poppe't," pintel grins at me.

"I dont know what his obsession with my birthday is. He acts like it has to be perfect."

"I think I have a pretty good idea why."

"Oh and what's that Ragetti," I said playfully.

"He cares for you."

I snicker. "Ok whatever you say darling," I say sarcastically giving him a wink instantly making him blush. 

"Leave the poor boy alone lil siren."

I turn with a innocent smile spread on my face "awwwwwww but that would be no fun," I pout.

Gibbs sighs "what am I going to do with you?"

"Why love me of course."

Gibbs grins at me " I guess I have to."

My mouth opens wide as I playfully smack his arm. The crew laughs at my childish action until jack comes down.

"Back to work men!" I turn to look at Jack seeing the smirk that is slowly growing on his face.

"What exactly is your plan sparrow?"

"Well what ever do you mean love?"
I gave him a pointed look.

"Fine I may or may not have told the crew to let you sleep in," I sighed in relief 'good that's all'

"...........and that we might have a celebration."

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