Chapter 7

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It's been almost a month since I've started school and I was doing good for someone who haven't been to school.

Dad woke me up for school.  I got ready and went downstairs to eat I made some honey combs cereal and ate. dad just sat next to me quietly drinking his coffee.

We got into the car and started on our way to school we were always around two hours early so I just chilled with him in the staff room until around 8 then went to the bathroom after I just walked around. shoot I forgot my phone I turned around

"Hey seven" I turned to see Shinsou my stomach felt all swirly

"Oh hey Shinsou" I said waving

"No one is ever this early why are you here?"

"Well I get here about 2 hours before school starts"

"What really, I should come around then so we could hang for a while"

I nodded "that would be nice, dad is always working anyways"

"So what are you doing?"

"Nothing I'm a little hungry"

"Should we go to the cafeteria" he smirked at me

"Isn't it locked?"

"It's call a kitchen raid"

"Oh then sure"

we went to the cafeteria and I picked the lock so we could get in and He opened the fridge and took out a tube.

"What's that?"

"Cookie doe"

"Oh is it good?"

"Try some" he gave me a chunk and I ate it

"This is so good" I took the tube from him and started to eat it he laughed

"Hey who's there" a voice said Shinsou and I looked at each other then ran and the person chased us. I searched for my phone before realizing I forgot it in the bathroom

"Shinsou give me your phone"


"Do you want to get in trouble?"

He handed my his phone and I called mine then activated my quirk

"Hold my hand" he did making my stomach swirled again I jumped on the phone going through it then grabbed the side of his phone and brought it in itself. We ended up in the girls bathroom

"Here's your phone"

"How did you get it through it's own screen?"

"It's a trick I've been working on for a while now"

"Oh and umm are we in the girls washroom"

"Yes" I realized it then started to blush "I'm sorry"

"It's fine let's just get out before others arrive"

"Yea" we got out the bathroom then started walking and I pulled out the tube of cookie doe from my bag

"You brought it?"

"Yea it's good"

"Haha let me have some" we ate the cookie doe and chilled in the class until it started

"Why were you late yesterday?" I asked

"Oh I over slept"

"I've never done that I would get killed"

"Nah Aizawa isn't that scary"

"You haven't seen him mad" I widened my eyes


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