Chapter 6

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"No fair why did you get the smile?" Auntie said as I wiped my tears away

"Because I her father" dad said proudly. Auntie then just folded her arms and quivered her lip. The door then bursted open revealing uncle Mic

"WHAT UP AIZAWA" he yelled deafeningly "SEVEN NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN"

"Nice to see you to uncle Mic" the bell then rang and then the teachers then left the room

"Alright let's go Seven" dad said. We walked down the hallway that was pretty much cleared of people we came to a huge door that has the name 1-A on it.

We walked into the class and I kinda hid behind my dad I looked around for Shinsou but only saw a blue haired boy yelling at a blonde one who was yelling at another blonde one with a lightning bolt on it who was not phased by it.

"Alright class get into your seats and listen up I have an announcement, we have a new student entering our class"

"Who is it?" Said a green haired girl with big eyes. Before dad could say the door swung open showing Shinsou who was panting

"Not Shinsou" everyone then laughed "take your seat and don't be late tomorrow or you get extra homework"
He said to him. " our new student is named Seven" I then peaked out from behind my dad before me being move in front to be seen by the class I waved at Shinsou who waved back before a the blonde kid form the USJ attack stood up

"ARE YOU CARZY AIZAWA SHES A FUCKING VILLAIN!" He screamed. Everyone then began muttering I looked at my shoes going behind my father again.

"My daughter is not a villain" the class went silent I lifted my head and looked at the class and Shinsou smiling


"Can you speak quieter I don't want to her your voice" I said and everyone then started ohing


"That's not what happened at the USJ and the mall now was it" he then sat down. Showing that my point was proven

"Wait does that mean she is a villain" a girl with big boobs asked

Before my dad could speak I did "I'm no villain, at the USJ attack I was forced to do the things I did but I risked my life betraying them to save all of you if I wanted to kill you guys I would have killed the red head and the blonde along with Shinsou and I would have never tried to save my dad" everyone looked at my shocked and confused "once you see my quirk you will instantly know who my birth father is so I'll just say it, my father is Shigaraki Tumora" mutters came across the class and my dad looked at me in shock

"So I guess Aizawa did adopt you then hey" Shinsou asked


As the class talked amongst one another my dad talked to me

"Why did you tell them I thought you didn't want people to know?"

"I did, then I thought about it, if I want people to trust me I can't lie to them or give them another story, they need to know me for me and soon they'll realize I'm nothing like the villains that raised me" he then smiled at me

"I'm proud of you" I hugged him then turned to the class "anyone want to introduce yourself" the class was quiet before the blond kid with a lightning bolt stood up

"My name is Kaminari my quirk is electricity but if I over use it I become an idiot"

"Your always an idiot kami" a pink girl said "I'm Mina my quirk is acid, I can shoot acid out of my body" she said smiling

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