Chapter 5

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I woke up looking around the room the sun shined bright through the window. I walked out of my room rubbing my eyes and knocked on Aizawa door. he opened it half asleep and came downstairs with me.

We made some cereal and then tried reading again I was getting better even though it was my second time. after an hour or so we watched a movie. We later went out for a walk to show me around the neighbourhood and where to get simple things like more toothpaste. We went back home and he started teaching me things that I will learn in school and in my everyday life, like how to use money. I soon found out Im a very quick learner. So I under stood simple math easily. He taught a bit of English like punctuation, and some history. We then did some training to keep me active.

For the next few days he would take me out to busy places to get me used to being around lots of people. He would take me to the school and leave me with President Mic or Midnight when he was teaching. When I was ready he started to leave me alone at the house for a while. As he went to work.

Three month or so after he asked me if I thought I was ready for school, Which I said I was. I haven't yet smiled once it didn't mean I hated him of didn't trust of feel safe around him, it's just I forgot how to. He brought me to the school to meet the principal Nezu and get me signed up for school. The principal was like a mouse/bear/cat animal thing I wanted to pet but I held back.

"You must be Seven, I've heard so much about you" he said putting his hand out to me. I then shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Nezu I could say the same about you" I let go of his hand.

"And what might that be?"

"Well I've heard your a very smart principal and do enjoy your tea, Ive heard you're a good principal and that you should give Aizawa a raise" Aizawa the looked at me with wide eyes.

The Mr. Nezu just laughed "the teachers should truly be paid more for all their bravery and confidence but we don't have the funds. Well I've heard your a great listener and like to do math and that your quite good at it"

"I do enjoy math" I said "and Aizawa is a great teacher"

he smiled at me "now, why do you want to attended UA?" He asked

"Well I'm sure you are aware of who I am" he nodded "so I guess I just feel the need to help people even if it's at the risk of my life, and I do know that there must be other kids that have grown up the way I did and I just want to help them and put them on the same path at I am now on" I said

"Well while you attended UA is there anything about you we should be aware of?"

"I hate killing so I will do everything to avoid it, I don't want my past personal life to be told around the school, I can fight but it's a little dirty because I was raised my villains" he nodded

"Well we can help change that make your fighting cleaner" I nodded "your uniform will be given to you tomorrow when you get to school" I nodded and he looked at Aizawa "keep in mind the training camp coming up Aizawa"

"I am fully aware don't worry" Aizawa said we left the school and Aizawa was smiling at me

"Why are you so happy"

"I'm now your teacher I'll help you learn more, hows your reading"

"Faster but I'm trying" he nodded with a smile we went to a subway and I got my usual order and sat down and he looked at me

"You know you don't have to wait for me to tell you can eat right"

"I know it just I'm not used to being so free even though I've been with you for almost 4 months.

He nodded "well don't worry about being in a cage ok your free to be yourself"

I nodded and started eating. When we got home I went to my room and started reading a book from my favourite collection 'Goosebumps' ive read around 5 books from them already.

Around 9 I put my pyjamas on and brushed my teeth and got into bed and continued reading. I never realize how much I actually loved reading sometimes I would read to Aizawa.

He came into my room "hey you go to bed early tonight you got school tomorrow" I nodded and went into my bed and fell asleep.



"Hey seven time to get up" I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes and looked to see Aizawa then sat up. "Get dressed your uniform is at the school" I nodded and got up letting out a yawn. he then left the room closing the door behind him. I put on some black jeans with a black t-shirt and a black sweater on top of it I put on some grey socks and my black runners. I brushed my hair and teeth then put my hair into ponytails and went downstairs.

I saw Aizawa sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee I made us Cheerios I we ate in silence

"You nervous?" He asked

" not really Shinsou is there" he nodded. After we finished our breakfast we left.

When we got to the school I went into the staff room were we found my uniform. I changed at sat with Aizawa until school started.

After a while some other teachers arrived

"Hey there sweetie how are you?haven't seen you in a while" midnight said

"Good, how are you auntie?" I asked

"Good, uncle Mic has been keeping me up at night"

"Oh, really I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I know how uncle Mic is"


"Wait when did you start calling Midnight auntie and Mic uncle?" Aizawa asked

"When we first met" I said

"She's such a sweet girl!" Midnight exclaimed "you have no room to talk she calls you dad"

Aizawa then looked at me who was going red

"Is that so?" Aizawa said

"Y-Yea I'm sorry it's just your more of a father figure to me than anyone else" I said feeling guilty

"Don't be sorry, you can call me dad if you really want to I already think of you as my daughter" he said. my eyes began to tear up, I went up and hugged him then felt his arms around me. We pulled apart then I looked and smiled at him. His eyes went big then brought me into another hug starting to cry, I was a little confused until I heard him say something that made me start crying again

"You did it... you did it Seven you smiled, I'm so proud of you" I finally knew what happiness felt like but, I didn't know how to bring it back.

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