Chapter 4

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Shinsou started to visit weekly. After a few weeks a raven haired male came to in to the room with Shinsou.

"Hey Seven this is Eraser Head" Shinsou said gesturing to the other male. I looked at him and tilted my head looking at him he had a scar under his eye and looked extremely tired

"Hello" I said waving a little frozen.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you again" the raven haired male said. "Do you remember me"

I ran to him and hugged him starting to cry, Shinsou then left the room.

I felt his hands go around me as I sunk into the ground.  "I've been looking for you ever since that day" he said holding my

"Why I'm a villain?"

"No you saved my life and many others during the attack you even risked your own" I paused for a second "you could have kill Bakugo and Kirishima the blond and the red head but you didn't you spared their life" I started to sob into him.

"Really does that make me a hero?" I asked

"Yea it really does" after some time we started talking and I told him everything he needed to know about the league.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to worry about him anymore" I nodded he hugged me one last time before the door opened and Shinsou came in.

"Hey eraser everything good?"

"you wanna hang with us?" I asked he nodded and sat on the floor with us and we talked until a cop came into the room my breathing started to speed up. Shinsou took a notice and held my hand, and I calmed down

"Eraser we need to talk to you" the officer said. He got up and left the room.

Aizawa's POV

"She can't stay here" the officer said

"Yea I know, we can't put her in a foster home either she'll freak out" I said

"We have no choice Eraser" I started to think

"I could take her in" the officer then looked at me

"She's a villain you are aware of that just because she saved you doesn't change that"

"She's not a villain she risked her life for more then just me and I don't know about you but have you seen the amount of information she has given us, she hasn't hurt anyone, and she only trusts Shinsou and I. Well get her used to people then up her in UA so she doesn't go back if she wants to" I said raising my voice. The officer looked at me with shock.

"Fine but if anything bad happens with her be aware it's on you, also get the forms stating that" he said walking away

Seven's POV

I talked to Shinsou about his family and friends. He also talked about how UA was the best school for hero's. I started thinking I wanted to be a hero and save people that have been through the same thing as me.

The door opened and Eraser head came through the door. "Hey kiddo do you want to stay with me?" He asked me. I looked at Shinsou and he smiled at me I then nodded at him. He helped me off the floor before turning to Shinsou "you need a ride?"

"Yea sure that would be nice" he said and started walking with us out the door.  Everyone was looking at me in fear and disgust, so I just put my head down so I didn't have to see them.

We got into the car and Eraser Head drove for a while

"You can call me Aizawa but when you see me at work then you call me Eraser Head ok" Aizawa said I nodded. He turned on the radio which made me jump.  Shinsou started bouncing his head a little to the music and I copied him and he smiled at me.  We pulled up to a house that was big and let Shinsou out. Then went to a bigger house.

We got inside and he showed me around it then brought me to a bed room and told me I would be sleeping here I nodded and then we went downstairs.

"Wanna go get you clothes at the mall?" I looked at him confused "Wanna get clothes?" I nodded and we got back into the car and went to a mall.  We went into many stores and I got all kinds of clothes that I liked most were black.  As we walked I heard a girl scream.

"MR. AIZAWA!" I turned around to see a pink girl with a bunch of other girls with her. They ran up to us then looked at me. "Is that your daughter?" The pink one said. I ran and hid behind him

"No and don't worry about it" he said to her. She said ok then continued walking.

"Who was that?" I asked

"One of my students I'm a teacher"

"Oh will you be my teacher?"

"When your ready Yea" I nodded then we continued walking around we got some women's stuff like underwear and bras.

After we went to get food, We went up to a green store and he asked what I wanted I looked at him confused "what do you want to eat" I then looked up and pointed up at a board that showed a long sandwich. he ordered it and I got to choose what I wanted on it. I've never been to a place to buy food so I didn't really know what I was doing. We ate our food but I waited for him to tell me I could because that's what I had to do with my father. We then went back to the big house.

We talked for a while and I tried to read a book I was never taught how to do these basic things I was supposed to know how to do except for writing, fighting And cooking. He brought me to the bathroom and helped me take a proper shower I did were a bathing suit. he then brought me to the room I sleep in and told me to get into my pyjamas which I did. I went to him after and he showed me how to brush my teeth. He sat on the bed after I got into it.

"You can call this your home ok and this is your room, you can do anything you want in here ok just keep it clean" my eyes went wide at the fact that I could call this my home I wasn't really allowed to call anything mine. He tucked me in and turned the light off then left the room

"Wait can you keep a light on?" He nodded and left the hallway light on. I  laid in the bed for a while before I finally fell asleep.

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