twenty eight

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Yohan quietly waited with his face out the window as he waited for Gyuri to appear. He watched the news recap what has happened to the students at the most prestigious school get arrested for committing such a scary crime due to all the secrets being exposed. He was listening to calming music to ignore his chest racing as he saw Gyuri approaching the gate. 

Within a flash, he ran out his apartment as he arrived to the lobby to find Gyuri weakly holding onto the wall. He had his hand out so that she could lean on him, but she felt the guilt rising quickly when she saw him approaching her. She cleared the lump forming in her throat as Yohan smiled brightly as he already knew what she was going to say. 

"Don't........I know what you're going to say. Let me just help you get to your apartment." 

Gyuri gave him an apologetic smile in return as he pressed the button for the elevator as he helped her enter into the transporting device. He, however, didn't follow her to her room as he directed her to his own place as she confusingly glanced at him for answers. "Eat something at my place before you go change and rest. I know you don't want to wake up anyone right now at night." 

She was about to decline but Yohan already opened the door to his place, and she had no choice but to enter since he was so persistent on cooking something for her. She sat down at his desk as she quietly stared at the window with evening sunlight barely peeking through the curtains. He cooked some stew and rice for her since he wasn't that well of a cook, and he only knew how to make like five things. 

She thanked him quietly as he wrapped a blanket around her as he managed to speak up to encourage her, "Congrats on getting the case solved..." 

"It's still a long way to go, but thank you." 

"This is why I want to be like your captain." 

Gyuri stopped eating as she confusingly looked up from her food to make eye contact with Yohan, who was sitting in front of her. He was eating as well since he knew that it would be awkward for Gyuri to eat alone. He wasn't making any eye contact with her since he knew that glancing at her would make him feel guilty in the inside. 

"Why do you want to be like Captain Kim?" 

"I could solve this..where people are innocently dying when there are more bad, insane humans out there looking for trouble." 

She placed her spoon down as she suddenly lost her appetite as the incident started to replay in both of their minds as Yohan apologized immediately, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that Noona. I just really want to join the police force, which is why I'm studying right now." 

"I never got to ask, but are you doing it because of what I went through?" 

Yohan already knew that he couldn't lie to Gyuri as he swallowed the food that he already started to chew, before he placed his spoon and chopsticks down as well. Gyuri looked at him with a worried gaze as the wind started to blow more intensely as it made the atmosphere even more silent and cold. He smiled a little before he tried to lighten up the mood, "It's not the exact reason...there are other reasons that made me want to pursue studying crime." 

"It's not your fault. You were just a kid back then. You didn't know." 

Tears started to gather within Gyuri's eyes as she started imagining how young Yohan was when he had endure the shock that he had to deal with. She was young as well, but she knew that Yohan was too young at that point of age where he had to deal with all the hate. He shook his head as he wiped the tears forming at his eyes quickly but Gyuri already noticed it as she started to cry as well. 

He handed her a napkin quickly as he sniffed quietly to hold in his tears as he replied back confidently with a smile still on his face, "No, I wasn't...and it wasn't your fault either. You didn't mean for it to happen. After I realized how much your family really hated me too, I just wanted to prove them wrong..that I was different from my brother. That I cared for you truly..even if you had no feelings; I have feelings for you because I was always so sorry for not being on your side either." 

The buzz of sirens both entered into their ears as they were brought back to a few years ago when Gyuri was a young high school student and Yohan was a young middle school student. It was a same kind of night for them; it was cold and windy with lots of clouds decorating the sky. It was always took place during stormy weathers, which Gyuri grew to hate since it was a sign of bad luck for her. 

Young Yohan didn't understand the evil in human nature until he saw his older brother being arrested for rape. His older brother and Gyuri were in a loving relationship as the families liked them being together. But when Gyuri wanted to slip away from him, his brother clung on tightly. Gyuri was crying continuously as her mother hugged her tightly as she barely ate for a few days as it was revealed that she was pregnant. 

But she was rather worried for Yohan, who was now left alone in his house as his guardian was his older brother. Her mother showed no remorse for Yohan, as she believed he would be as cruel and evil like his older brother. Gyuri managed to escape from her room a few times to check up on Yohan, as he didn't understand the wrong measures his brother did. He grew up with all the hate in the world as he had to fight through it all as Gyuri safely protected him like a younger brother. Gyuri's mother soon learned that Yohan was very different than his older brother, and Yohan soon started to like Gyuri since she was admirable and powerful. She still got up fine despite her past scar. 

She turned the worse period of her time to help out Yohan, who was always grateful. And here they were, comfortable in their own bubble as Gyuri knew that she could never really overlook Yohan as a lover since he did have similar physical aspects to his brother. 

He urged her to keep eating as she continued to weep sadly as he spoke up as he wiped his own tears, "Please stop crying. I really didn't want you to think about your past. I'm sorry. Please eat." 

Gyuri let out a small, weak laughter as Yohan tried to comedically make funny faces as she leaned her hand over to gently pat his head as she thanked him again. He beamed at the sight of her eating once more as they both started to talk about different cases that Gyuri had to go through, and the upcoming trials that she would need to participate. 

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