cheater pt 2 🦋

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yasmeen pov

"bae stop" I said giggling as he started kissing my shoulder. "go take a shower"

"fine but only cus i do smell like weed" he said getting up and going to the bathroom in our room. he just came back from the studio and smelled like weed like always so I always make him take a shower before he comes and lay in our bed.

I was just laying down watching tv waiting for mosey to finish taking a shower and his phone kept going off and I never check his phone so I just left it but it kept blowing up and I started getting irritated so I grabbed his phone and put it on silence when I read the name and it was that bitch from the concert.

she was saying "babe I miss you" "when you was touching me at your concert you made me fall so much in love with you" "come over again"

wait stop the mother fucking music... did she said again? hold up I checked twice and that bitch really said AGAIN wow.

mosey finally came out of the bathroom with nothing but his boxers.

"there I'm clean" he said coming my way and wanting to kiss my lips but I moved his face.

"fuck wrong with you?" he said me sitting on his side of the bed.

"I don't maybe your other hoe wants your kisses better" I said and he turned around quick.

"fuck you talking bout ?" he asked acting stupid.

"your really fucking stupid bruh" I said as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"what you said" he asked with anger in his voice.

"so you thought I wasn't gonna find out about you still talking to that bitch from your concert?" I asked him while standing up and so did he.

"how you found out?" he asked with his soft voice.

"your fucking phone kept going off and you except me to not look?" I asked him

"fuck you look at my phone for?"

"nigga get the fuck out of my way before I fucking hurt you" I said since he was blocking the door.

"then I guess you gonna have to hurt me" he said crossing his arms.

"man get the fuck away" I said as I pushed him, that's what going to the gym gets you.

"fuck you going" he said following me to the kitchen.

"you don't need to know" I said grabbing my keys and my phone.

"man it was just a mistake"

"a mistake? you lied straight to my face when I asked if you was cheating" I yelled at him.

"lower your fucking voice" he told me.

"you ain't my dad fuck outta her" I said while putting my slides.

"you wasn't saying that yesterday when I was hitting from the back" he said laughing.

"man fuck you" I said slamming the door close and running to my car since I knew he was gone chase me.

"babe please don't leave" he said running to my car as I started it.

I just flipped him off and drove off.

As I barely started driving mosey kept blowing my phone but I ignored everything. he really broke me, he was my everything and now look at what he did. fr fr fuck him. I should of listen to my mom when she told me to not date him since he was a rapper and will always cheat no matter what.

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