Chapter Forty-Two: Second Tries

Comenzar desde el principio

I grip my hands into a fist and scrunch my eyes closed tighter impatiently. Come on, if the others can do it, so can you. So do it.

"It's none of your concern!" Natsuki growls back.

"Guys, please! Stop fighting!" She pleads loudly. I frown on hearing her voice.

She's scarred. She's trying to keep peace while covering up your sorry tail! Or, tails..? Do this for her! She can't stand to be alone out there anymore!

I sigh, and dejectedly open my eyes. I don't feel any different. I suppose it's not working..

My eyes land on the mirror I had placed myself in front of. Only, something changed. The furry ears that were once of my head were gone. I glanced behind me, noticing I had no tails following me.

No way.. How did I do that?

Quickly I turn back around fully, and notice the vines evaporating in small, green dust particles, spreading onto any of the cracks in the walls they made and fixing them, like nothing ever happened.

Of course, everything that was either broken, on the floor, or both, were still there, but the main problem had fixed itself. Thank goodness..

Immediately, I turn to the door and step outside and into the main dorm room, quickly closing the door behind me.

As confident as I am, I can't help but feel it waver as seven pairs of eyes land on me, starring holes into me.

I wave awkwardly. "Uh, hi.. Guys.. What are you four doing in here?"

"Monika!" Sayori gasps, her eyes wide and shinning with joy. I smile appreciatively at her.

Oliver stand in front of me, his face flushed with confusion. "What? Where were you? What was going on in there?"

I should've saw that question coming..

"Ah, well, I was just trying to organize some things and I slipped! Ahaha! Silly me!"

Natsuki then crossed one of her arms over her torso, and used the other to point at me. "There! There she is! Full flesh and everything!"

Oliver stumbled on his words, and was about to say something until the speakers in the dorm came on, a man's voice coming through it.

"We've been informed about the strange, wild animal in the building. So far, we think it either died, or left, but for safety measures, we want all students back to their dorms. Classes will go on like normal tomorrow. Thank you."

A long beep and a click was heard as the announcement was finished, and Natsuki walked over to the door, opening it wide open.

"You heard the man!" Natsuki hissed. "Out!" She ordered.

The boys gave one strange look at me, like confirming if I was real or not, before slowly turning around and shrugging, walking out. Once they all left, Natsuki slammed the door shut.

"And stay out!" She growled loudly.

"Moni!" Sayori exclaimed, rushing towards me. "Are you alright?!" She asked, her eyes scanning over me.

I find myself frozen at the sudden attention and smile bashfully. "Y-yeah, thanks."

"What was that?!" Natsuki yelled, glaring at me. "What were you even doing in there?!"

I rolled my eyes. "It was a lot harder then I thought! You didn't have to yell at them though."

"They were being creeps!" Natsuki protested.

Sayori turned to face Natsuki, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Nat, they were just worried!"

"Worried?" Natsuki scoffed. "Ace kept calling me cupcake!"

"I will agree," Yuri spoke up, after being quiet the whole time. "Calling you cupcake is.. Strange."

"Couldn't agree more." Natsuki grumbled.

Sayori then snickered. "That was kinda funny though, right?"

"What? Him calling me cupcake?"

Sayori shrugged, her smile wide and goofy. "Nah, just everything that happened today. We got to two transformations in one day!"

Natsuki glared coldly at Sayori before cracking a smile, soon beginning to laugh. "Yeah, right?"

Yuri quietly giggled, covering her hand shyly over her mouth. "It has been a strange day, hasn't it?"

I smile, noticing Sayori stop laughing and looking down at her stomach. "Aww!" She groaned. "We never got to try out dinner!"

Natsuki groaned in hunger while Yuri smiled sadly. Sayori's eyes landed on me, "Aren't you hungry too?"

"Not really," I admitted, blushing lightly and scratch my neck in embarrassment.

"Of course she isn't!" Natsuki laughs. "She practically ate 10 pounds of meat in less then twenty minutes!"

Sayori glances down at her feet, gently kicking the small crumbs of meat on the floor. "We should probably clean up."

Yuri laughed quietly. "Yes, we'll help." She offered, gaining a thankful gaze from Sayori.

"What?" Natsuki groaned. "Why are helping to clean up Monika's mess!"

I gasp overly dramatically at her. "My mess? I can hardly remember what happened!"

"Well, you're the one who caused it!" Natsuki replied, grinning playfully.

Sayori laughed. "Guys stop it! Let's hurry and clean up so we can go to bed and start classes tomorrow!"

"Oh yeah!" Natsuki exclaimed. "I almost forgot about that!"

I smile warmly.

Let's just hope these ones go better then it did last time.

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora