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Bright and Win entered Win's dorm as to calm the younger down. "He...He wasn't like this when i was much younger...It was until my mum left us. He became alcoholic and tend to hurt me. I immediately moved away and stayed with my aunt for awhile..." Win explained as he prepared drinks for them. Bright clenched his fist. He walked towards Win and hugged him from the back. Win blushed. "B-bright?" "I'm glad you did that," Bright said as he pecks Win's cheeks and necks. Win smiles. "Seems as if he wants you back or something..." Bright said as Win shrugs. "He is just trying, this time, to do something weird," Win said and moved Bright's cup. "Here for you," Bright released Win and took the cup of warm coffee. "You know...If you ever feel upset or afraid, you can tell me..." Bright smiles at Win who smiles back. "Thank you, Bright. And yes, I know. You told me before,"

Win was in school early and he sat on his usual table with his crazy friends. "Dang! Win is early today!" Win turned and saw JJ with Khaotung. "I know right," Khaotung chuckles. "Shut up," Win rolls his eyes as the other two chuckles. "Hah! Told you—" "He's here earlier that you, idiot," JJ said as Pluem cursed under his breath before passing JJ money. Win shook his head with a smile. Suddenly, an arm was wrapped around Win's neck. His eyes widened with girls squealing. Win looked up to see smiling Bright. Win blushed and looked back down. "Oh i see..." Khaotung smirks with his friends. Win got up and Bright immediately hugged him from the back. Win was blushing red but it seemed as if Bright was not bothered by the crowd. "Bae, why didn't you wait for me?" Bright asked Win who chuckles a little. "You didn't answer my calls, sir," Win answered as Bright shrugs. "Opps," Bright chuckles as Win shook his head with a smile yet again.

Win was walking home himself as Bright had lesson till evening. He suddenly felt as if someone was behind him. He turned to see no one. "Weird..." He mumbles as he walks off. Not until he was pushed into an alley. His eyes widened with fear as he made eye contact with his dad. The male smirks as Win shudders. "P-please...Let me go..." Win begs as his dad chuckled. "I'm not going to let you off again, Winnie,"

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