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35M3R4LD4 slipped back into the vault as quietly and swiftly as possible, being careful to not drop the container of the chemical she held in her hands. She approached the frozen fairy cautiously, studying her one more time before uncorking the container. "I sure hope this works," she said under her breath, and proceeded to pour the hydrofluoric acid on the top of the glass.

The glass started to disintegrate, making a quiet little whistling sound as the acid ate away at the substance. "It's working!" she breathed, stepping back to watch the progress. She had a small fleeting panic about what the acid could do if it touched the fairy, but dismissed it since the small amount of acid seemed to start a chain reaction on the rest of the glass, and the glass started to disintegrate away without the acid reaching it.

Finally, the glass cleared enough that most of G0DM0TH3R's body could be seen. 35M3R4LD4 smiled when she saw the fairy's eyes flutter open, but quickly sprung forward when G0DM0TH3R started to sway and fall forward. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" 35M3R4LD4 grunted, catching the weak fairy and put her head under the fairy's arm so she could lead her to a chair. "Here you go - just sit on down," she said, lowering F8R13 down onto the chair.

35M3R4LD4 sat down opposite to the person she just freed on a different chair. She looked at her intently as F8R13 struggled to catch her breath. "You okay?" 35M3R4LD4 asked, cocking her head.

The F8R13 G0DM0TH3R nodded weakly and looked at her surroundings, confused and disoriented.

"Do you know where you are?"

F8R13 turned to face her liberator and shook her head.

35M3R4LD4 sighed. This is going to be fun. She took a deep breath. "You're in the Rabbit Hole that's under the Emerald City of Oz. Do you know where that is?"

After a moment of thinking, F8R13 nodded.

Good, she remembers some. "Do you know what the Rabbit Hole is?"

"Vaguely," F8R13 responded to 35M3R4LD4's delight.

"What do you remember of what you heard?"

"It's..." she furrowed her brow in concentration. 35M3R4LD4 was a little nervous she might overextend herself, but before she could tell her to take calming breaths, F8R13 answered. "It's an underground facility for... repurposing."

An expression of recognizance and remembrance crossed F8R13 G0DM0TH3R's face, and 35M3R4LD4 was certain that she remembered everything.

"So... what happened to you?" 35M3R4LD4 asked, tossing F8R13 one of the slices of bread she found on her way back from the labs - it was a little hard and stale, but it was at least something for F8R13 to eat. "How did you end up down here suspended in a glass box?"

F8R13 took a bite out of the bread thoughtfully. "When Oz, the Wizard, starting running his corrupt career as ruler of the Emerald City, he made it his mission to try and take out anyone with enough power that could be a direct threat to him. We battled - and, well, as you can see, I lost."

35M3R4LD4 sat up straight, a hopeful look on her face. "But you almost beat him, right?"

After a moment of thought, F8R13 nodded. "Yes, you could say that. Why?"

"It's just that..." 35M3R4LD4 began. "There are hundreds of people down here - trapped like me. Forced to do things, forced to be subjected to tests. We need to get out before we're created into something that we can't fight against. What I'm trying to say is," she sighed. "I need your help to free everyone. Please help me - help us?"

They sat in silence. F8R13 mulling it over and processing the request, and 35M3R4LD4 waiting in anxious silence. Please, please, please, PLEASE say yes, she thought repetitively.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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