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One of the guards, serial number B.B.W0LF3, banged on her cell door early the next morning. "Time to get up," he growled, his claws scrapping against the metal bars of the cell door which made a terrible screeching sound, awakening everyone.

35M3R4LD4 and the other prisoners in her cell block groaned. M1CH43L-D whimpered from next door and covered his ears.

"Do you really need to do that?" 35M3R4LDA asked, glaring at the abnormally large wolf who stared at her with his yellow eyes. "Or is it just for amusement?"

"If I have to put up with you dimwits," he hissed, standing on his hind legs while trying to stare her down and intimidate her. "Then I might as well get some fun out of it."

"Mutt," 35M3R4LD4 muttered under her breath.

B.B.WOLF3's fur bristled and he peeled his lip back to bare his sharp teeth. "What did you call me, noob?"

The other prisoners murmured amongst themselves. Some hid in the corner of their cell, and others pressed themselves against their cell doors to watch the showdown. M4L from next door was smirking and trying to hold back laughter.

35M3R4LD4 looked him straight in the face. "I said you're a mutt - you grumpy, prat-y, arse-licker, mangy canine."

The wolf's eyes grew large, and he started to foam in the mouth with rage. "INSOLENT SWINE!" he barked as he gripped two cell bars and with his terrible, abnormal strength, started to pry them open so he could get at her.

"Hey, hey!" CH€§h1r-Ķ@ hissed, marching over. "Break it up!" She pulled B.B.WOLF3 away from 35M3R4LD4 and glared at both of them. She turned to stand nose-to-nose to the canine. "Need I remind you that if you continue to have anger issues that you'll be sent off to reconditioning again?"

B.B.W0LF3's ears pinned to the back of his head, and his tail tucked between his legs. He shook his head mutely, adverting his gaze from the cat.

"And you," CH€§h1r-Ķ@ said, turning to give 35M3R4LD4 a look. "No more causing trouble, you hear? Don't think that I won't send you to reconditioning, too."

35M3R4LD4 nodded, but sneaked a triumphant smirked to the wolf when the cat wasn't looking.

"Now get ready," the cat told her. "SW4N is waiting for you."

35M3R4LD4 nodded, and got to her feet and slipped on a small shawl and waited for the cat to unlock the door. She wasn't sure who SW4N was or what she will be doing, but she knew better than to ask the cat a question.

CH€§h1r-Ķ@ turned to B.B.W0LF3. "Tell the blacksmith that he will need to fix this cell door on his next visit."

"He won't be here until next week," B.B.W0LF3 reminded her as 35M3R4LD4 stepped out of her cell and he snapped on some cuffs on her wrists. "The Wizard summoned him to the castle, remember?"

"Right," CH€§h1r-Ķ@ sighed, taking a rope and tying it to 35M3R4LD4's cuffs so she could be led. "We'll just need to make do until then." She tugged on the rope, giving 35M3R4LD4 a cold, wide grin. "Let's go, witch."

35M3R4LD4 rolled her eyes but didn't protest. They walked down corridors and stairs, passing other cells that held other prisoners, and passed by labs where the muffled screams and sobs of the poor experimented souls could be heard. The cat knocked on a heavy metal door, and it was opened by a young woman with long, light blonde hair.

"Ah, cat," she greeted CH€§h1r-Ķ@, not coldly but not in a welcoming way either. She looked at 35M3R4LD4, and the ghost of a smile appeared on her face. "Bring her on in," she said, disappearing into the room.

35M3R4LD4: An Asunderland TaleWhere stories live. Discover now