In the Future

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Do you guys even listen to the songs? Anyways, if you do, this is Tears by clean bandit featuring some chick. On with the chapter.

Everything that once seemed wrong was now right. Keefe was sent to Exillium and finally moved on from Sophie. Biana and Dex started dating and Grady and Edaline started hosting parties again.

Della, obviously wanting more children, announced she was pregnant with a baby boy. Along with this announcement came cleaning. They cleared out Alvars room and put up a crib and many toys.

The Neverseen were eventually caught, some against their will, some willingly. Everyone was suspicious, but after nearly a year of no action, they put their worries to rest.

And what about Sophie and Fitz? Fitz had found her inception and birthday and planned a grand celebration.

Birthdays were becoming more and more of a thing in the Elven world, thanks to Sophie, and were now widely celebrated.

A knock on Sophie's bedroom door, now painted teal and brown, scared Sophie so bad she yelped and fell off of her bed.

She had picked up the hobby of drawing and was quite good. She drew a boy, with chocolate brown, fluffy hair. The picture was sent flying to the ground with her.

Edaline opened her door, laughing at the sight of her daughter frightened and wild-eyed. She walked over and pulled Sophie to her feet.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!" She said, hugging her as soon as Sophie was on her toes.

"Thanks mom." She giggled in response. Sophie did look quite different from when she was 16. Her hair went just a little above her collar bone and her voice had deepened. Not to mention she got taller and slightly curvier.

"We need to get you ready. YOU'RE CONSIDERED AN ADULT AT 17! EEE YOU'RE SO GROWN UP!" Edaline dragged her to her vanity, giddy the whole way there. Sophie rolled her eyes and smiled as her adoptive mother brushed her hair and twisted them into two braids.

"I guess explaining birthday parties wasn't my best idea.." Sophie tilted her head to the leafy and examined her new hair.

Not a second later, Edaline pulled her towards her closet. She spent a minute before deciding the thing she was looking for wasn't there.

Grabbing her hand again, she pulled out a pathfinder and they were on their way.

"Are you gonna explain why we're dress shopping?" Sophie asked, though that was a stupid question.

"Listen," Edaline replied. "Elves may not have birthday parties, or at least used to, but we did for becoming an adult. I did this with Jolie too."

Sophie's mother had picked out several simple and sleep dresses, non of them pleading her. She turned around the corner and squealed when she found the perfect dress.

She wouldn't let Sophie see it as they checked out and went home.

Several hours later, when the sun was about to set, she peered out her window, seeing her parents scramble to set things up. She laughed, pressing her hand to her mouth gently.

When she lowered it, it was grabbed. The hand holding hers twirled her around and pressed her against the wall.

She smirked before greeting, "Hello dear."

A tall, dark haired boy with incredibly teal eyes stared back at her. The same boy she had been drawing earlier.

Fitz was taller than Sophie still, and his eyes seemed to only brighten as they years went on. His hair was slightly long, covering his left eyebrow.

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