Stones Water and Bones

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So ya know how Shannon says she hates torturing her characters but like..has to? Someone gets VERY injured in this chapter, so be warned. I don't thinks it really needs a warning, but I understood what Shannon means. Like...MEKSJDKANDNDJXJ. Anyways, sorry for not updating much, but im trying to get back On track. And hey! Almost 400 reads! Thank you! And I hope you enjoy this chapter! Enjoy!

"All bandaged up." Fitz said, offering his hand. And when she took it, he pulled her forwards and wrapped her in a hug.

Seconds, maybe even minutes passed. Sophie buried her face in Fitz shoulder and he held onto her a little tighter.

And then they were suddenly outside. Walking around the expansive grounds of Everglen. They had wandered to a corner of the property where a pond was, and they began skipping small, flat stones. Sophie forgot how much she missed this place, and the boy who lived in it. She'd seen him a few hours before, but those few hours felt endless.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by and hand grabbing hers. It took her by surprise, but then she calmed down and clung to his hand. Fitz was so perfect. He always knew what to say, do, think..he was amazing. And Sophie couldn't help but think she didn't deserve him.

"Hey Soph?" He asked, suddenly stopping and turning to her while grabbing her other hand in the process.

"Yes?" Was all she could squeeze out before he kissed her and told her the five words that sent her world spinning; "I love you so much."

And they stayed like that for a long time, soaking each other's warmth and love up until they are forced apart by black swirls that wrapped around their waists and necks. {if you haven't read all of flashback this is a major spoiler and it won't make sense. You have been warned}.

Sharp laugher triggered a stinging headache that made Sophie's brain feel like it was being eaten by Verdi. Watering eyes looked up to see Umber, the Neverseen's shade, who was found dead. She was a dead person walking.

Umber's very pale skin was coated I'm a thick syrup that must have been blood. She had the look of an insane person painted on her thin face. Her blue eyes had tints if grey in them and they were focused on Sophie. One of her hands was pointing I'm the direction of Sophie, her fingers bent and nails still dripping with shadows. The other one was pointed at Fitz, although no damage seemed to be down to him.

He was being held back by them, but Sophie was enduring sharp pain. But during this blurry haze she felt nothing but numb. That is, until a spine chilling crunch rang though the air. The bones in her leg had snapped, several breaks littering the limb. And soon, the other leg, and then her wrist followed suit. The shadows had grown stronger, and plunged into her injuries, causing a blood curdling scream to escape her and cause Umber to go flying backwards.

And then the world went black.

"Daddy! Mama! Come get me!" A small child yelled, giggling as they ran. A man with fluffy hair immured from a room and started chasing after the small girl. She was short, making her long blond hair went almost down to her hips. She looked to be about 7 or 8. Her eyes were an ice blue with small streaks of brown close to her pupils. Then she realized. That was her kid. Replaying the image of her daughter made her realize, "she looks like Keefe.."

The thought made her feel sick to her stomach especially when the man, who looks just like Keefe's father (minus the hair and expression), walked towards her and kissed her.

She pulled away, frightened. Was this the future? Or a sick dream?

The nausea in her stomach was enough to make her conscious again, and when she woke, she was laying in a pool of her own blood. Umber must done quite some damage, because she saw the brave boy she knew sobbing at her side, pleading for her to wake and to be alright. A single stream of blood was streaming down his face, but he looked fine besides that. Which reminded her..Umber.

The villain was noticeably gone, and footprints in the grass proved she had escaped.

But the bile in her throat was so thick she couldn't speak. So, without warning, she reached for his hand, startling Fitz who had turned wide eyed.

Then laughter burst from his lips. "Sophie! You're okay! I was so scarred.." Fitz said, resting his forehead to hers. Salty tears rolled down his cheeks and landed on her face, but she didn't care. She just wanted the pain to be gone.

Then by some miracle, Sophie could speak. "We..we need Elwin..or a shade. ANYONE. hurts." She pleaded. And immediately, Fitz scooped her up in his arms, getting blood all over his clothes. It made her realize she had giant gashes and cuts along her skin. And they only added to the pain.

Soon enough, they were in the walls of Everglen, and Fitz was yelling for someone to come. A minute ticked by, but then Alden and Della raced down the stairs in a panic.

When they spotted Sophie, they were knocked back a step, and Della let out a shriek, causing Biana to soon run down as well. She would say it wasn't as bad as it looked, but she didn't know if that was true. She hadn't seen herself.

"Hail Elwin or Livvy..or SOMEONE! She's bleeding so much..." Della said sadly, tears were already streaming down her face and she appeared right in front of the two, who were on the floor, that was now covered in blood. Della was like her second mother. And the thought of her marrying Fitz and Della being her mother in law should have made her blush. But there wasn't any blood in her to rush to her face.

The next few minutes were a blur. She was only aware of the names of her parents and blurry teal blobs staring down at her. And she couldn't help but shut her eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

She suddenly woke, sitting up. And was greeted with a sharp pain that flooded her whole body. A chorus of "SOPHIE!"  Sounded the small room she had been resting in. Her previously blurry vision cleared to reveal Grady, Edaline, Alden, Della, Biana, Dex, Elwin, Livvy, and all 5 of her bodyguards before her.

Her adopted parents were clinging to each other, but they were extremely pale.

"What happened? Did something bad happen?" Sophie asked, her voice very shaky.

Something in her lap moved and that "thing" was the live of her life. His eyes were red and puffy, with tears still streaming down his face.

"Sophie!" He shouted jumping to his feet and kissing her. Her eyes widened. She glanced to the other people in the room. Edaline was ECSTATIC, squealing in fact, while Grady's jaw has dropped, and he looked ready to MURDER Fitz.

Fitz on the other hand, clearly had no intention of breaking their kiss. So, Sophie decided to have some fun. She closed her eyes, and kissed Fitz back.

Edaline squealed and screamed VERY loudly. Meanwhile, Sandor was busy holding Grady back. She had never been so grateful for her 7 foot bodyguard or Fitz might have died. And she couldn't say Fitz want surprised either.

But she ended the kiss, ready to get serious and ask what was happening.

The unsatisfying answer she received was from Elwin. He said, "We don't know. But what I do know if you have FOUR broken bones..both of your legs, so you can't walk, you wrist, and your shoulder. All of them will need WEEKS to heal. And they still won't work right for at least a month or two after that. I've never seen anything like this and it's—" A sob bubbled up in his chest, causing him to be cut off.

The next hour was a blur. Many elixirs were used, and much pain was involved. And that's when she realized something.

"Why were you two so pale? And you all looked like I had died." Sophie asked curiously.

Edaline walked over and sat on the side of the bed she had been laying on. The words she said next were spine chilling.

"That's did die."

All because of BianaWhere stories live. Discover now