Blood Bath

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Fist of all, I would like to introduce you to a friend. This is girldasabootyhole. She just began her Sofitz story, SO READ IT OR ELSE. Love you, and thank you for reading. On with  the chapter!

"What the hell Keefe?!" A female voice screamed. It was Biana.

But Keefe didn't hear her. He put his foot on Fitz's throat and another shriek was let loose.

Fists flew, and soon, so did blood.

"FIGHT BACK YOU COWARD!" Keefe yelled, and soon Alden and Della came rushing in, their eyes widening at the sight of their beaten and bloody son. But Fitz only laid there, knowing if he fought, Sophie would hate him.

"Keefe! Let go of him!" Della screamed, and tears started streaming down her cheeks.

Keefe was suddenly sent flying towards a wall, and a loud thud proved it must have hurt.

Heads turned, and wide eyed elves stared at an angry Sophie, her eyebrows furrowed and her fists clenched.

*Sophie's POV*

Sophie heard screaming. Loud enough to make her wake up.

She slowly rose to her feet, and turned to the awful sight of Keefe, her beloved friend, beating her cognate until he bled.

Her vision clouded, and she felt her nails dig into her palms as she curled her fists.

A strong breeze blew over her, and she released what anger she had been holding.

Keefe was sent flying towards a wall, thanks to her.

The hot tears she'd been fighting back finally broke free and she turned into an angry, sobbing mess.

Only one thought came into her mind, "Fitz". She rushed to his side. A barely conscious Fitz grabbed her hand, clinging for dear life.

Sophie bowed her head, and rested it on his chest, not caring who was watching or anything else. She was only aware of someone stepping out of the room to hail Elwin.


Sophie stepped out of Fitz's room. Elwin had arrived and started treating him. Keefe was being held in a separate room, not too close to Fitz's, but not too far. As Sophie walked the halls, she examined her hands.

They were covered in blood and tears. The sight of them made her want to vomit. How could Keefe do such a terrible thing?! And although she wasn't reading anyones minds, she knew everyone was thinking that friendship was over.

But what about Sophie? Was she supposed to hate Keefe too? Or to side with Keefe? She still wasn't sure what caused the whole fight, but thinking of it made her blood boil.

There was a lot of blood today.

Are you okay? A crisp voice asked in her head, causing her to jump.

Don't ask me that, are you okay?

Elwin says I'll be okay, but Keefe is strong. Apparently one more punch and I'd have a broken nose.

She chocked on her tears. He had said it so casually, he made it sound like an inside joke.

Get some rest. I'll talk to you tomor-

Please come back to the room. Everyone else is leaving and I won't be able to sleep tonight. Having you there will just bring me a little more comfort. It sounded more like a plea instead of a simple request.

Only 48 seconds passed before Sophie was at his door, knocking. She turned the handle when a "come in" called from inside.

What she saw was heart breaking. Fitz looked okay, but he was covered in purple bruises, and blood stained his upper lip.

She walked over to his bed and examined him. It looked like it would hurt to move, but that didn't stop him from crawling over his bed and bringing her towards him.

They laid there, holding each other tightly, until the two drifted off to sleep.

Alright, another chapter done. I realized after the second chapter I put out that I kinda forgot about it again, so I'm trying to put out chapters frequently. Thanks for reading, and remember, SoKeefe is really a crime now.

All because of BianaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz