2. Party...? What?

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Cato's POV

"What are you talking about? Dude, I told you I don't want a party. We gotta train tomorrow!" I folded my arms across my chest and Ward, my best friend for years, glared at me. Just because I'm turning eighteen means I have to have a party? There's no rule about that at all. He knows that we have to train. That's why I hate my birthday. It's too close to Reaping Day. Way too close.

"Cato, I swear. You are passing up the chance to party and have fun and relax for ONE night just because you're worried about training? We've trained for years! YEARS! I'm sure that we can afford one day off! The entire District is already celebrating your birthday anyways!" Ward threw up his hands in exasperation and shoved my shoulder hard to get me out of bed. Come on dude... Really?

"Ward! I said no! I do not want to go socialize with people that I could care less about! LOGAN!!" I shoved at my best friend to get him away from my bed and he shoved at me again. I practically growled and launched myself at him. He fought against me for a moment before I got him pinned down. Logan walked into my room looking frustrated with me.

"What? You got him pinned yourself," Logan easily gave me the worst attitude possible. I swear, if I wasn't related to him... I don't know what I would've done. He can be so happy when he's with his friends and sneeking bottles upstairs, but when I want him to get someone out of my room, he's a total ass.

"Just shut up and kick him out for me," I stood up from the ground and nudged Ward with my foot. He glared up at me and stood up quickly, straightening out his clothes. Logan grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards my bedroom door. Ward stopped and yanked his arm free from my younger brother's grasp.

"Greenleaf is suppose to be there. I made sure to tell your training partner to bring her with. They're suppose to be looking good to. And your Dad agreed to let us drink tonight. Just saying..." Ward shook his head a little and walked out of my room. Logan looked at me and rose an eyebrow slighting at me.

"Are you really going to be an idiot and turn down the chance to see that Greenleaf girl?" He crossed his arms and I heard Ward's footsteps stop in the hallway. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I was not in the mood for a party at all. But they both knew that I had a weak spot for Clove Greenleaf. I've seen her train. Just something about her... Am I really willing to give that up?

"Ward! Are you positive that it's Clove and not her sister? Can't exactly get anything from Ella, not with her being engaged to Daniel," I ran a stressed hand through my hair and looked up at him as he walked back into my room. Logan leaned against my door and crossed his arms. I hate how they both knew the one weak spot that I had. The one spot...

"Obviously! Are you sure you're as smart as the tests say that you are?" Ward knocks on my head and ruffles my head a little. He let out a faint chuckle and didn't care to hide the smirk on his face. Logan watched the scene play out as my best friend began talking me into going to my own party. Why didn't I just give up fighting and trying to get out of it?

"Alright... Go start getting things set up then and I'll get into something decent," I sigh and pinch at the bridge of my nose. "Make a drink if you think of it. Might as well have some fun with this..." Ward let out a yell and ran out of my room. We heard his footsteps run down the stairs and then soft music traveling up from the bar. Logan looked at me again and studied my face.

"I'm guessing that you're going to tell me to stay up here and out of the way?" He crossed his arms and glared at me harshly. I shook my head a little and shrugged slightly. I could really care less what he did if I was being honest with myself. Just as long as he got in the training that he needed to do once we got back.

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