3. Recovery

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I woke up in the morning with throbbing headache and rolled onto my back. Fuck... Why did Ward let me drink as much as I did? I don't even remember what happened after I started dancing with Clove. She looked gorgeous though, even if she didn't seem to care about everything. I couldn't help but smirk slightly when I at least could remember the way that we were dancing together. That was the closest I ever got to her. The closest that I'm sure I'll ever get to her. She doesn't exactly seem like the kind of girl that will dance like that very often, not unless she's had a few shots already. I mean, she had to have those shots... I can't remember if I saw her drinking before I walked over, but she had taken a few afterwards.

My body jerked away when I heard someone groan softly besides me. Shit, shit, shit... Please tell me I didn't do what I think I did... I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes before I felt someone rolling closer to me, a head resting on my chest. I swallowed hard and wrapped an arm around them, wanting to make sure that they were still fully clothed while I could. The rough material of a shirt beneath my hand calmed me a little but that doesn't mean that nothing didn't happen. Something could've happened and I can't remember it. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did I have to drink so much last night?

"Relax... Nothing happened. You said you wanted me to stay here because it was too late and it was dark and blah, blah, blah," Clove's voice was soft and I chuckled softly. She groaned quietly and hit my chest to get me to shut up. She was still trying to get the ache in her head to ease before she moved around that much, at least it seemed like that was what she was trying to do. I smirked and couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed after she said that. I can't even remember what happened after us dancing. I don't remember how we got up here...

Clove slowly sat up and rubbed at her head a little. Her make-up was messed up, but it didn't seem to matter at the moment. All that really mattered was the way that she looked so much more hungover than I felt. Either I felt as hungover as her and was able to hide it better, or I didn't drink as much as she did. I really don't know that much. I felt like crap, but I was too scared to even look at myself in the mirror for the moment. How was I suppose to really judge how badly I was hungover? Her bright green eyes opened and looked at me before widening moments later. Concern flooded through me and I sat up a little bit.

"What? What's wrong?" I cupped her cheek a little gently. She shook her head slightly and then carefully felt at my cheek. I groaned softly and winced a little when she touched my cheekbone. It hurt a little and felt like I had a black eye there or something.

"Damn... You got punched pretty hard by Ward when you two were drunk off your asses..." She frowned at me and then shrugged a little. She slowly got out of the bed and stretched a little. I didn't know what to really say. When did I even have a fight with my best friend?

"What?" I slowly stood up from the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom. I switched on the light and flinched a little from how it killed my head harshly. I let my eyes adjust and looked into the mirror. I can't even understand how my entire left eye was black and blue, including down half my cheek. I looked back into the bedroom to see her standing from the bed. She slipped on her dress and pulled her hair into a bun. I don't even remember who threw the first punch. "When did Ward and I fight?'

"Um... You two were arguing about something by the bar and then you slammed his head into it. I was over by Fawn at the time, just enjoying ourselves until we heard the sound. The party ended pretty soon after the fight broke out. A few guys managed to separate you two, but not before Ward gave you that," she gestured to my eye quickly. I frowned a little and looked back at the mirror.

"So where's Ward and Fawn now?" I looked around in the bathroom for that cream the Capitol provides. I guess it's suppose to help with the bruising and everything. I know it works with hickies at least... Shouldn't it work with a black eye and badly bruised cheek then? I'm hoping so at least...

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