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2020 was supposed to be THE year. Not just for Autumn, but for everyone. That's how the story goes. That's not the case. Autumn wouldn't be surprised if fucking War of the Worlds actually came true. At this point, what's next?

It's currently noon, the following day. Autumn is blasting music, and painting her toe nails a shimmery yellow. It reflects how she remembers her life as a child. Full of glee, and admiration. Complete contrast of life today.

Autumn been observing her body in the mirror. Checking for red rashes of any sort. You have to make sure. Each time you go into the public, you could be exposing yourself to the infection. Each time you make contact with another person, are they infected? Autumn sees no sign of infection , but she wishes she'd checked the strange lady and her kid yesterday before the left her apartment. She's still pissed about the broke window. Which by the way, she needs to replace the cardboard she placed over the broken part. It rained a while ago, and her makeshift window was beginning to wilt.

It's been months since it was announced the entire nation was on lockdown. Autumn's job shut down. She works at a prestigious restaurant. As much as she loathes work, she'd much rather be there than at home all day, everyday. Is this what prison is like?


"Yes Mom. I know. I'm fine, trust me. " Autumn says as her mother's voice rings through the small apartment on speaker phone. Autumn is fixing a meal and can't hold the phone at the moment. "I'm just worried with you being so far away, ya know. It's getting dangerous these days." Her mother says, sighing. " I have protection. I'll be fine. " Autumn explains. Hopefully, that's true. "As much as you dislike hearing it, I wish you had a boyfriend for times like these." Her mother says, causing Autumn to roll her eyes. Autumn's mind temporarily flashes to Khyree. "Just be safe. Your dad and I love you. We'll talk soon." Her mom's voice, lovingly says to her. "I love you both as well. Be safe. I'll call you later." Autumn says before hanging up.

Khyree. Autumn wonders what he's up to right now. It's not like she can just go over to his apartment and interact with him. He could be infected. She hopes he's not infected. What if he was infect—

Autumn's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her front door. Who the hell is this . Autumn puts the knife she was using to cut her vegetables up with down. She ponders for a few seconds, and picks it back up to take with her to the door. She peeps through the peep hole. A male wearing a mask stands there. What the?

" How may I help you? " Autumn says aggressively. "Can you open the door?" He answers back. His voice was familiar. "No, I cannot. Who are you, and what do you need?" Autumn says back, goosebumps appearing on her arms. " It's me, Khyree." He replies . Khyree? Oh my gosh. How's my hair? Calm down. "Oh, one second." Autumn replies before running to get a mask from the bathroom.

Autumn reaches the front door again, and smoothes down her hair before opening it. She hope she doesn't regret this. Khyree have a small, quick wave one Autumn steps outside. She closes the door behind her. She could tell he was smiling even with his mask on by the way his eyes curved up. Those eyes are more beautiful up close. Autumn smiles back at him.

"What's up?" Autumn inquires. "I was just coming by to check on you. Everything okay?" Khyree says, with a genuine voice. Autumn is taken aback. Check on me? Really? "Oh! I'm—I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. Umm, how are you doing ?" Autumn stammers. Is she sweating? "I'm fine as well. Kinda just taking this thing day by day." He replies with a soft chuckle. Wow. If Autumn could have that as her ringtone. What the fuck is she thinking right now. "I mean, all we really can do right now, right?" Autumn replies smiling. "That's true. " he replies. A few seconds go by of silence between them. Him staring down at her. Autumn shifts a little before he speaks up again. "So, the main reason I walked over here was to see if maybe um- I could get your number." Hell yes you can! "Okay." Autumn says giggling a bit. "Cool." Khyree says, feeling accomplished. He pulls out his phone and waits for the digits. Autumn gives them to him.

They say their goodbyes. Autumn wishes she could hug him, but no. Wow, okay. So he has her number. This will take away some of her boredom for now.


It's been hours , and Autumn wonders why Khyree hasn't text her yet. Oh my gosh. He died . He was infected. Was he infected? No. He's asleep maybe. Or, he doesn't want to be one of those people who text someone directly after being given their number. Autumn doesn't care about that. Text her! Autumn's phone dings, and her head snaps over to its direction. Ugh. Stupid news alert.

"Infected person, shot and killed by a national guard for trying to attack him. " Autumn reads the alert. She shakes her head. "I wish I had a man to protect me too, mom." Autumn sighs.

Just then , Autumn gets a text from an unknown number.

"Hey neighbor." It read. Autumn instantly starts smiling. Finally.

"I was starting to think you forgot about me "

"How could I? I'll be honest. I didn't want to be the type of person to text someone directly after being given their number."

Autumn knew it!

"Haha. I don't mind. What are you up to?"

"Feeding my cat, you? "

" I have a cat too. Her name is Lola!"

"Are you finding food for her fine? I had to fight a girl off yesterday for the last bag haha."

Hold the hell up. Is he—? Nah. But what if?

" Did you end up with it? "

"Yes, but j forgot my wallet at home . I had to leave it there smh."

Oh hell nah.

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