Chapter 1: Dakota

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"Dakota Scott?"


"Ms. Scott?"


"I got the scores back from your GED." I didn't know what to say. Goody. Fat lotta good it did me now sitting in Juvie. The class was a fucking requirement of my stint in this place. "Ms. Scott?"

"What?" I pulled back the snarl and aggression just before it touched my tongue. No fights, no disrespect, just get out of here and get back to ... What bitch, what are we getting back to? Tobias? Please the fucker is probably happy you in here. Crew? What Crew...they left you and they didn't bother to come and find you.

"I want you to take the college entrance exams."

I actually looked up from my place at the table. Say what? The Darkness spoke again. Don't argue, just get out. "Fine." What the fuck what would it matter? Juvenile delinquents with violent records didn't go to college. They didn't go nowhere except back to the places they came die. Yes, thank you. That was probably what would happen to me. I would be killed for killing the mother fucker who .... Nope not going there.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning same time Ms. Scott. You can take the exam then."

"Yes ma'am."

The teacher a tall woman who I had never bothered to learn the name of in the last three months smiled at me. It was a kind smile and I nodded before looking away. No one looked at you like that unless they wanted something.

Two Years Later

I stepped out of the summer dormitory and walked down the sidewalk. One year into college. One last week of probation officer check ins. Though she, Officer Jensen, was nice about it. She didn't come in a squad car, she didn't flash herbadge, and she didn't look at me like some social workers and juvie hall guards did like she was a minute away from committing a felony. Her long dark hair was braided back. She looked like an older college student, maybe a graduate student.

"Dakota." "Jensen."


"Sure." We drove in silence to the office. Where there was coffee and a lab to check and make sure I hadn't recently violated my probation by imbibing in narcotics, which I avoided, or alcohol, which I loved,but couldn't enjoy without being written up.

"How's school?"

"Fine." I answered as I sat down.

"Friends?" "Nope." Not that I had made an effort there. She handed me a cup to do my business in and I went to use the facilities. Where I checked myself in the mirror while I washed my hands. My pale white blonde hair trailed down to my elbows. My brown eyes were barely framed by pale white blonde eyebrows. My skin was tinted a pale olive which actually became a beautiful tan if I ever got sun. My nose was thankfully still straight considering my past. And my lips were still a pale pink, the stitching to fix the deep cut horizontally on my lip and ran just inch past the end of my bottom lip was barely visible now.

When I come back Jensen gave me another small smile. "No summer parties huh? Or, perhaps a boyfriend?"

"No ma'am." Not like I had been invited or asked for an invitation. I lived in a single dorm room, because I was a violent offender. 

"Yeah, okay." Jensen frowned looking at my file. "This is our last meeting."

"Yes." "Your transfer has been approved by ... well everyone.  Professor Robbins and Kasey are looking forward to having you at Pacific. Just remember you will still need to see the school counselor and continue to follow your Academic Plan." AKA Keep Dakota from Fucking Up Plan.

"Yes." Getting out of community college and going to Pacific was better than well better than where I was in Island Harbor the same community that had shunned me once I had been put into the system. Pacific was located in Pacific City three and a half hours south and it was the biggest university in northern California. 

"How's that going?" I was silent, not unlike how I was in the counselor sessions, which I was sure was also noted in that not so littlefile Jensen was holding. Jensen nods. "You should talk about it." What thefuck would that do? Then I'd just have to experience it all over again, every single moment. Would they talk about Juvie too and all the bullshitmanipulation, the gangs, and cliques? I didn't answer. "Dakota, you've done a great job here. You've created a new life. You did well in your summer classes.I'm proud of you." I nod. "Dakota Scott, I officially declare your probation complete." Jensen seemed to be laughing and joking. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks." I said with a nod.

"I got you cake." "What?"

"I got you a cake." Jensen said with a smile. "Come on, you need to put some more fat on these bones of yours." Jensen touched my arm. I didn't like being touched, at all. Jensen gave her a nod in acknowledgment and handed me a piece of cake. It was white with chocolate swirled into it. There was white frosting on top and little bits of sugar confetti. "You're not even smiling Dakota. Cake is a good thing."

Right, there was a proper way to interact here. I gave Jensen a tight smile,"thanks." Jensen smiled back. 

After we had a few bites of cake she asks, "Well, have you finished packing?" 

"All my clothes are packed." I tell her. 

Jensen smiles and nods. "We got some money together for you, no strings attached, consider it a late graduation gift. I'll take you to a few shops when we get to Pacific so that you can buy some newer clothes and maybe we can spruce up your single. It's much bigger than the one you were in."

I know she's being nice, and I know the gift isn't a transaction so I swallow the rejection on the tip of my tongue and instead say, "thanks."

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