Part 7

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As we neared my home, I became unsettled. I didn't want to be alone after that. I wanted to be hugged and comforted, which was something I hadn't longed for in a long time. Elliott was just messing around and trying to make me feel better, but I think he could read the nervousness on my face. He gave me a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" He asks, "Well, besides literally everything that just happened." I hold back a small chuckle.

"Its nothing to be concerned about. I'm just dramatic." I say, brushing it off. He looks at me as if to say, 'do I really look like I'm that dumb?'

"Fine. You got me." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry if this is weird, but I just don't want to be alone right now. After that... I kind if just want to be hugged?" I say quietly as I looked away from him. I could feel my face heat up even though I willed it not to.

"No, that's not weird. Not at all. I know how ya feel. I was the same way." He says softly. I continue looking out the window, feeling my heart pound. After a moment, I feel Elliott's soft embrace around me. I melt into him and hug him back, this time with no hesitation. We stay like this for a small while until the car comes to a stop in my driveway.

"Do you want me to stay with you for a little while? I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, or something-" He says as a faint blush spreads across his face. I found it cute. A few gears click in my mind and I have to hide a look of shock from my face. Did he like me? He certainly acted like he did. Or maybe I'm just being stupid. I don't know.

"Yes, I would like that." I say with a smile. His eyes light up and he smiles at me.

"Alright. Well then, this car isn't the most comfortable place, why don't we head inside?" He says as he opens his door. I chuckle slightly and exit the car, and head for the front door. I unlock it and head inside with Elliott trailing behind me. He closes the door behind him and I go sit on my couch. He follows me and sits down beside me.

"So, what actually happened?" He asks. My mind goes back to the terrible pain and I shiver.

"Well, my last mind tether wasn't undone correctly. I now know how it feels to have your bones crushed and to be burned alive. I felt myself dying and I couldn't do anything about it." I say plainly. I could still feel a trace of it all, my skin felt as if it were sensitive and my bones ached.

"My god, that's horrible. They are such idiots." He says with a scowel.

"I'll be right back. I'm getting normal clothes on. I would say you could borrow something, but everything I have would be short on you." I say as I get up, heading to my room. He chuckles.

"So what you're saying is that I need clothes here?" He says in a joking tone. I chuckle.

"I suppose so-" I say before I close my door behind me. I grab sweatpants and a T-Shirt from my dresser, quickly replacing my suit with them. Before I exit, I look at myself in the mirror. I didn't look so bad, I think I look okay. I headed back to the living room, again sitting beside Elliott. He looks to me with a smile. I lean back on the couch and cover my eyes. They still burned and I could still taste the smoke. I closed my eyes and felt Elliott put his arm around me. I look to him and he has a blush spread across his face.

"If I'm being weird, just tell me to stop- I just remember you saying you wanted to be hughed-" He says quickly, but I interupt him by putting my finger over his lips. He calms back down and I lean my head on his shoulder, my eyes becoming heavy. He was warm, but not uncomfortably warm like the fires, this was comforting. I pulled my legs up beside me and wrapped an arm around him. Hopefully he didn't think I was weird.

The steady rise and fall of his chest comforted me and made me feel at ease. His heartbeat was a rhythmic thump that was soothing to listen to. I feel Elliott lean his head on top of mine as my senses become more and more lulled. I could tell I was now in between consciousness and sleep, and I tried to hold on to how I felt. I felt like I wasn't alone, I felt like I was safe. I finally gave in to sleep, and let myself rest.


They were asleep on my shoulder, I could feel their breathing against my neck. They seemed calmer now, deffinaly at peace. I played with their long brown hair as I stared off into space. I should ask them. I've been meaning to for a while, I just couldn't work up the courage. I know I would be able to soon, but right now, they were asleep.

I feel myself start to relax, my eyes becoming heavy. I yawned and looked down at them. Bloodhound looked stunning, and they didn't even know it. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come. Their breathing was rhythmic and calmed me. To know that they wanted me around and wanted to hug me, hell, I think this could count as a cuddle, but I loved it.

Maybe Ajay was right, maybe I should shoot my shot. But if they didn't feel the same? We would no longer have this, we would be awkward around each other. I didn't want that. Maybe I would just have to take a risk. I could do it for them.

Miragehound (Apex Legends)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant