Part 6

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As I walked along I could feel the stares of others on me, but I could not see whatsoever. I couldn't see anyone or anything, only blackness. I wanted to stick out my arms to make sure I didn't hit anything, but I would look like an absolute idiot if I did that. Elliott's hand was on my shoulder, guiding me through the Apex headquarters. His contace was all I could think of and I blushed even at the thought of it. Every now and again we stopped, which made me nervous, because when we stopped, I had no clue what was happening or where he was, and I couldn't look to find out.

I had a piece of cloth wrapped around my mask, where the glass eye lenses used to be. Nobody could see me, but I was effectively blind. Mirage stopped and turned me around.

"Sit down. We just have to wait until we get the signal before I take you to your room." he says plainly. I sit and feel him sit beside me, my flustered feelings temporarily subdued. I feel him staring at me, so I turn my head slightly to him.

"So, how does it feel to be completely reliant on a total clutz?" He asks with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and blush slightly, although he couldn't see.

"You aren't that bad. You haven't let me run into a wall yet, so that's a plus." I reply, my voice taking a humorous tone. I hear him quietly laugh. He punches my arm lightly.

"Ya know, you aren't so bad yourself." He says back through his laughter. My face heats up even more. Maybe I should talk to him about how I feel, not today though. Another time, perhaps.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." I say as he again nudges me. I, being dumb, nudge him back and lean into the couch.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, I feel the room fill with liveliness and joy. Ajay's here. A few moments later I feel the couch dip from the other side of me as I hear her laugh.

"Couldn't bear the sight of me for another day, huh?" She questions humorously. I shake my head.

"Yes. You just made me want to stab my own eyes out, so I took the path with less pain." I say sarcastically. I disliked not being able to see, it disoriented the hell out of me. I hear Elliott chuckle from beside me, with Ajay soon joining in.

"Someone's a bit grumpy-" Elliott says with a comedic tone. I cross my arms and keep to myself. He knew I was upset more than anyone else. He knows how I feel about people seeing my face. The fact that I was even able to show up today was a mirical. I guess I should be greatful for Elliott being willing to help me with this.

"Yes, but I will feel better once I am able to see again." I say with a hint of annoyance. I don't know why my brain willed me to like him, but unfortunately for me, it did.

"Well luckily for you, I just got the signal, we can go." He says happily. I let out a relieved sigh. As I stood up, I felt my foot catch on something, sending me tumbling forward and  landing on someone in particular. From underneath me, I hear Elliott let out a pained grunt.

My face goes completely red as I scramble to get myself up, propping myself up on my arms and 'accidentally' setting one of my hands on his chest as I stand and regain my balance. I hold out my hand to offer him help.

"Uh, over here buddy-" Elliott says with a chuckle. I turn back towards him and blush even worse as he grabs my hand. I pull him up and he grabs my shoulder firmly.

"I'm sorry Elliott- I guess we are both fairly clumsy." I say sheepishly as I played with my fingers.

"No, no you're fine. Lets just try not falling for me again today, eh?" He says with a happy chuckle. This is why. This is why I fell for him. That charming chuckle and his winning personality. It was beautiful and I loved it.

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