Part 1

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As I sat on the drop ship and looked for a place to land, I feel Elliott step beside me.

"How about there?" He asks. He had pinged central city.

I nod and wait for the drop ship to near, listening in on hid conversation with Lifeline.

"So, ya know that new bar on fifth street?" He asks. I roll my eyes. He was talking about his own bar.

"Yeah, it seems nice. Decent hang point I bet." Ajay says. I hear Elliott chuckle.

"Yeah, it is. Ya know, Bloodhound and I were gonna go there later, if ya wanna join?" He asks. I feel a slight anger rise within me and I try to brush it aside, but to no avail.

I sigh and tap his shoulder.

"We should probably jump now." I say.

He nods and we jump. As we are freefalling, Elliott shows off and does a flip. I chuckle a bit under my breath and ping one of the smaller buildings I was going to go to.

As I landed, I noticed that Elliott. Landed fairly close, while Lifeline landed almost halfway acrossed the city in her usual drop place.

As I looted the building, I found a spitfire and EVA-8, but only a level one body shield.

As we all regrouped, I spotted an enemy squad heading to our position.

"Incoming squad advancing to our left." I say through the coms. They nod as I scan, figuring out their positions. I head for one as Mirage and lifeline take care of another.

I shot at them with the spitfire, missing close to no shots. With broken armor and little health, Wraith phases and gets behind cover as I push. Having only a few seconds to heal, she gives up. I finish her off with a peacekeeper, and head back to my teammates.

Elliott and Ajay downed the second team mate, and Elliott was performing a finisher.

"To bad I have to mess up that perfect little face of yours!" He says.

I feel my blood begin to boil and I scowl to myself. Why did he have to say that? More importantly, Why do I even care?

I roll my eyes and huff, trying to find the last member of their squad. I feel someone walk up behind me.

"Hey, Blood, you alright?" He says. I feel his hand rest on my shoulder. I felt an urge to say no and just tell him what was going on, but I also felt flustered even at the thought.

"Yeah. I... Im fine." I say. I bite my lip, as he cannot see my expressions. I feel bad for not telling him, but its just easier this way. At least for now, anyway.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that for a second. After this were going to the bar and you are doing the one thing your REALLY not good at." Elliott says. I glance at him, confused.

"What might that be?"

"Why," he says, "its talking about your feelings!"

I chuckle.

"If you insist."

As we finish looting, we begin to hear fighting arround the half-constructed buildings in the city. Deciding that we didnt want to engage, we left Centeral City and headed into The Geyser. It was beautiful here, definitely not as bland as king's canyon.

I head into and check a few of the buildings, looking for better armor and more healables.

"Looks like we're all in the ring. Nice job guys." I hear Elliott say over the coms. I smirk as I hear his voice.

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