Chapter 6

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Neo darted out of the way as bullets flew towards her, using her umbrella as a shield. She kicked one of her enemies into the line of fire and dodged a blade. She focused on her footing and the people closing in around her.

Another explosion, another siren speeding closer.

The other rebel group was closing in, but her team were stronger. She pushed her blade through the heart of an unconscious enemy then returned to the fight, dodging hits and aiming strikes as quick as lightning.

The city bustled around her. She heard the police arrive, an officer running to her as she killed another one. She knocked him out immediately.

Away from the fight, she heard a scream, distracting her. Kicking a man in the face, she used his body to roll away from another bullet.

Her eyes found the source of the sound: a girl was struggling with one of her team mates, repeatedly hitting him with a sword and speeding around him.

Neo knocked out another enemy and was over there in a flash, knocking her aside. She ignored the sound her skull made as it crashed against the concrete. She stabbed her just to be sure, cursing her team mate for being such an idiot as to be beaten by a little girl.

She kicked him in the crotch and rejoined the fight without a second thought.

Neo woke up sobbing, an icy horror piercing her in the heart.

She recognised the girl.

For once, she recognised one of her victims, and she wished to God she hadn't.

The guilt tore through her like a jagged knife as she screamed, the pain rushing through her. Almost immediately there were carers surrounding her, holding her down as she thrashed. Stabbing, slicing, crushing.

Someone pushed a needle in her arm, but she didn't black out yet. The memory was still fresh and bleeding inside of her.

She screamed again, pure anguish rushing through her.

She did it.

She killed Ruby.


Thank you for reading! x

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