"Nii-chan, tou-san can never keep you from me!" Asami smiled reaching up and hugging Shoto.

"I know..." he hugged back. Cause I won't let him... were his thoughts.


Two days since Asami got her quirk and Shoto was doing everything he could to make it look like he was using his quirk whenever Asami's own activated on accident. Lucky for him Enji was too busy with work to notice and when he paid them any attention, it was to train Shoto or Asami was asleep.

Since Asami finally got over her cold thanks to her fire quirk burning it out, Shoto decided to at least tell Natsuo and Fuyumi. The problem was getting close to Natsuo without Enji throwing a fit about it. So for the time being they went to find Fuyumi, and no surprise, she was in the kitchen.

"Fuyumi." Shoto called out.

"Hm? Oh, Shoto. What is it that you need?" She smiled at him. Shoto held Asami out to her like a prize, making their older sister blink as the younger one smiled, totally not understanding the situation but still happy to see her.

"Oh? You want me to watch Asami?" She moved to take the toddler from Shoto but he pulled back shaking his head.

"No. Watch." Then he looked down at Asami. "Asami, show Fuyumi your surprise." Then he held her out again.

"Okay!" Asami smiled and held out her hands. Her tongue poked out her mouth in concentration as she stared intensely at her arms.

Fuyumi had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing at the adorable sight of her baby sister. Between her stifled laughs a gasp sounded and she went wide eyed as Asami arms went up in flames.

"She..!" Shoto stopped her shaking his head.

"Not yet..." he murmured. Fuyumi kept silent.

Steam began to roll off of Asami's arms worrying the older Todoroki until her arms got covered in ice. Fuyumi froze her expression still as shocked as before and her eyes as wide as saucers. Tears gathered in her eyes as she took Asami from Shoto.

"You got your quirk..." she sobbed covering it up as a laugh as she cuddled the youngest Todoroki in the house. "... I'm so proud of you. You're going to grow up and be really strong aren't you?" She laughed out but Shoto could see through the happiness, afterall, he had the same reaction.

"No, no no no no... she's too young. I'm not ready. I don't- she got- what!?" Fuyumi and Shoto looked behind them to see Natsuo standing on the other side of the counter.

His bag was dropped on the ground and he was squatting as he pulled at his hair. Fuyumi walked over to him squatting so she could comfort her obviously distressed brother.

"You saw?" She asked softly. Natsuo nodded moving as if he was trying to curl into himself more if possible. Then he looked up tears in his eyes.

"I'm not ready, Fuyumi..."

"Not ready for what, Natsu?" Fuyumi patted his head trying to calm him down as he sobbed a little.

"I'm not ready to stand aside and watch as he torments her too. I'm not ready to hear her cry because of that man! I'm not ready to be defenseless again! I'm not him! I can't stand up to him like-" Natsuo stopped as Asami was thrust into his hold.

He wasn't prepared for that, so he ended up falling onto his butt. He remained still for a bit staring up at Shoto who frowned at him before he registered the tiny arms holding him tightly. Natsuo blinked gathering back his thoughts as he shifted Asami in his arms so he was both holding and hugging her. She pulled back and gave him a big wet kiss.

"Nasu-niisan! Don't be sad...I love you." Asami smiled hoping she brought her brother's mood up. Natsuo stared at her for a moment before he laughed kissing Asami back and cuddling her to draw out her laughs, which worked.

"I love you too, Asami."

"Yay, hehe!" Asami cuddled back into her brother gripping onto his shirt as she yawned and began to doze off. Fuyumi smiled

"It's going to be okay, Natsu. We're older now and he doesn't know yet." She sighed standing up and heading back to the kitchen. Shoto took this time to sit before his brother.

He hummed staring intently at the white haired boy before he sighed folding his arms.

"I understand your worry. As does Fuyumi nee-chan. But I am right here and I am older, so I'll keep his focus on me." Shoto nodded satisfied with his plan.

"That doesn't make things better Shoto. He's still hurting you..." Natsuo frowned shifting Asami so now she was laying on his folded legs.

"Prehaps, but it's the best option we have for now. We can't hide her quirk forever, and I'd rather it be me any day over her." Natsuo sighed bowing his head.

"I'm really sorry Shoto...there's so little I can do for you and now Asami too. We probably won't even get a chance to talk like this again, at least not in a long while..." Natsuo passed Asami to Shoto standing up and taking his bag. "Tell Fuyumi I'll be in my room..." With shadows cast over his eyes Natsuo left the room.

Things are going to change, again! And for the third time...there's nothing I can do! He clenched his fist as he walked out the room, not caring that he walked right past Enji and ignored him as he disappeared around the corner.

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